Happy Days

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Pyro:*Was humming happily while reading her journal*

Kitty:Woah.Someone's in a good mood.

Pyro:*Sighs and starts to twirl as she walks*You guys won't believe what happened today!


Pyro:*Sighs with a dreamy expression*Best ever.Its about me and my crush.You know,the guy I mentioned before.*Blushes*

May:Ooh!Do tell!~

Pyro:Well.*Reads the journal*I decided to go on a short stroll after I have done my chores a while ago,then I saw him.*Sighs*

Sora:What did you guys do?

Pyro:Well,we talked about Pokémon,he's also a Pokéfan.Then later he started acting like himself,a bit perverted and started teasing me.I was about to Round-house kick him in the face,when suddenly,he turned serious.Very serious.He told me he has something very important to tell me.

Everyone:*Was now silent and listening closely*

Pyro:He led me to a peaceful and quiet place,then grabbed my hand.I was caught off guard and almost jumped,then he pulled me in a hug.He told me he likes me!Then asked me to be his girlfriend!

Sora:Oh my gosh!What did you say?

Pyro:*Squeals*I said 'yes'!

Girls:OMG!For real?!

Pyro:*Nods*Everyday keeps getting better and better!^_^

Riku:Oh my gosh!Congrats!


Dawn:What happened after that?

Pyro:I woke up.

Everyone:*Falls down Anime style*Seriously?!

Pyro:Yyyyyyyeeeeeeaaaaa. (;;^_^) Anyways,*Snaps fingers and everyone was now in Equestria*

Boys except Drew:*Groans*Why!?!?!?!

Sora:*Giggles and sees some ponies*Hi!(^o^)/

Ponies:<(O0O)> Sweet Celestia!Humans!

Pinkie Pie:*Runs around Sora and talks quickly with a cheerful smile*Hi-I'm-Pinkie-Pie-Wow-I-Never-Saw-A-Real-Life-Human-Before-Why-Is-Your-Hair-So-Long-And-What-Is-That-Weird-Design-On-It-And-You-Somehow-Remind-Me-Of-Princess-Celestia-I-Don't-Know-Why-Maybe-Because-Of-The-Hair*Blah blah blah*

Princess Celestia:*Smiles*Welcome to Equestria!

Pyro:Hi!*Waves,then hugs the Mane Six*Oh my gosh!I'm such a big fan!(A/N:Yea.I'm a brony.If you have anything,anything against Ponies,I don't care :P )

Rainbow Dash:*Chokes*


Pyro:Anyways,let's start ze dares!


Everyone sat down on the grass

Sora:This is from gold_x_silver_forver!

By the way idea for dare I know I'm mean but for fun I dare Sora to tell Crys in detail what happened between Gold and Silver when she was gone lol I love to make Crystal feel pain cause I hate her. let her pain begin

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