Masamune-sama!!!! ^///^

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Pyro:*Was riding on a flaming wrecking ball with a mic that is connected to speakers on full blast*I CAME IN LIKE A WRRRREEEEEEECKIIIING BAAAAAAALLLL!!!!!*Speakers started to screech*

Everyone except Pyro:My.....My ears....*Faints*

Pyro:*Continues singing*

10 Hours Later

Pyro:BURN!!!!!!*Throws fireballs around*

Zach:*Joins in and starts shooting aura blasts everywhere*

Sora:*Shrugs and joins in with chainsaw*BOW DOWN BEFORE THE YOUNG DRAGONESS!!!!

May:Taste the freakin' rainbow!*Throws Skittles around*


May:*Throws Skittles at Drew*Gimme some gold!

Sapphire:Weee!*Throws cookies around*

Wrong Direction:*Starts having a fight*

Summer:*Chases Shaymin with chainsaw*Muwahahahahahahahahaha!>:)

Shaymin:Stop it!>.<

Scarlet:*Trembles*Please....No violence.....

Pyro:BURN!!!!!*Burns the house*CHAOS!!!!!

Drew:Someone call the freakin' mental hospital!They said we have to observe Pyro,then contact them if she goes on a fire craze again!

Seth:On it!*Tries to grab phone,but was stopped by Pyro*

Pyro:Do not call the mental!>.<

Len and Rin:(;;^_^)

10 Minutes of Chaos Later:

Everyone gathered around for Zach and Sapphire's 'wedding' (A/N:You guys thought I forgot,huh?*Laughs evilly*That's for paralyzing me and threatening me and turning my profile into a place for roleplay.*Laughs like a maniac*Revenge is soooo sweet.)

Sapphire and Zach:*Was blushing heavily and tries to escape,but was held back by Psychic*

Pyro:Do you,Zach the Pokemon King,take Maria Sapphire the Hedgehog as your-

Zach:Let me go!*Squirm*

Pyro:*Ignores him*As your Wattpad wife?

Zach:Get me outta here! >.<

Pyro:I take that as a 'yes'.*Laughs like a maniac*And do you,Maria Sapphire the Hedgehog,take Zach the Pokemon King as your Wattpad hubby?

Sapphire:0///0 Let me go!

Pyro:*Nods at Zach*You may now kiss your bride!Use Psychic to push them and make'em kiss!*Laughs hysterically*

My Lucario and Alakazam:*Uses Psychic to push Zach and Sapphire*

Zach and Sapphire:*'Kisses'*

Pyro:*Starts dancing around a bonfire while singing*Zach and Maria sitting in a tree!K-I-S-S-I-N-G!First comes love,second comes marriage!Then comes a baby in a baby carriage!

Everyone except Pyro:0.o

Pyro:I feel so lonely.*Snaps fingers and Masamune Date appears*(A/N:Those who played Pokémon Conquest might be familiar with him.He's the eyepatch dude with the Braviary.He came from the game Samurai Warriors from Koei.I'm a huge fan of him!His Samurai Warriors 3 version is sooooo dreamy,especially without the helmet! ^///^ Search him on the internet!Type Samurai Warriors 3 Masamune Date)

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