Information About New T or D And More!

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Okay. So. . .

The new T or D will be released on my b-day! 08/26/15. . .

Oops! I meant 08/26/14! (^_^;;)

As well as new updates for:

CP BF Scenarios

Behind the Mask of A Clone

Asymmetric Hearts

Fun Facts About My Books

Pokemon Short Stories

So I won't be alive for a while, I'll spend all mah free time writing, @LostSilverFangirl is gonna be taking over my account for a while XD

You guys should feel freakin special that I love ya all to even give ya shower updates. I cansometimes make a LOT of sacrifices for my friends even if it's uneccesary -___-

Anyways, in the part 2; there are also gonna be short stories/one-shots, random fillers, more Pyro's Guide to __________ and stuff that'll make ya laugh and cry at the same time! \(^_^)/ Gosh. Even ISFY is not enough for me XD

Oh. And. . . .

There's gonna be a part three of the (now named) "I Will, For You" series! :D (Is that a good name??? XD Please leave suggestions)

And. . . .

You guys better greet me when it's my birthday -3- That's all I ask in return for these updates that makes my fingers wanna tangle with each other.

P.S Those who wanna publish stories but don't have ideas, pm me because my brain is brimming with ideas -.-

P.P.S I hid in your closet for, like, a year now! XD

P.P. P. S Happy 1 year aniversarry for me! I've been here in Wattpad for a year! ^_^

P.P. P. P. S I think I should rest -.- I finally finished 3 chapters of AH and 2 of BTMOAC in 1  Day! HOORAY FOR BROKEN FINGERS AND BACKBONES!

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