More Dares!

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PG:*Groans and settles Drew on a bed*Stay still.You don't want your cuts to open again.

Drew:*covered in bandages and casts*Stop touching my arm!It hurts!

Rafe:You should be thankful Sora let you live!Otherwise,we should be honoring your death by now!

Drew:*mutters*I still can't believe she used a sword on me.She even slammed my face with a metal chair!Why do we have to have so much weapons in this house?!

PG:Anyways,you should rest before we receive more dares.And since you have many more fans,most dares are for you.

Drew:What the heck!?I'm injured!Is this some kind of torture?!You even placed me in a bed here in the living room where all of you can watch me and make fun of me!You call this rest?!

May:Calm down.You can't blame Sora.You almost ruined Rafe and Sora's friendship.Now they barely talked with each other!

Drew:*mutters darkly while glaring at everyone*

Sid:Yes!Now that Grass Ass is out of the way,May is mine!

PG:Alright,enough chaos!Let's start the dares!Since Sora isn't here and Riku is trying to calm her down,Brock gets to read the dares!

Brock:Alright.*reads dare out loud*

From royalflush

I dare Drew to apologize to May for having an attitude and being stubborn and stuck up and so many other things I can't describe!!! *ahem* and give her a rose. Ooh, and confess his love for her!! Yes :D

Drew:I hate you guys.-_-

PG:Do it,or I'll force Solidad's Slowbro to use Psychic on you and make you give May a rose!You should be thankful she didn't dare you to apologize to Sora,it could have been worse!

Drew:*rolls his eyes*Alright.

May:(thoughts)Thank you!He's going to apologize!Yes!Take that,you grasshead!

Drew:May,I'm sorry for being arrogant,stubborn,stuck up and more.*almost slaps himself,but he can't move his arm because of the cast*

Solidad:Alright.I'll give this to you since Drew can't even move his arms*hands a rose to May*


Sid: :(

Drew:I'm not going to do the last part.

PG:Okay.We don't know if she's going to use Blaziken on you,so we'll skip that.Sorry royalflush,but we don't want anymore injuries.

Brock:Next dare!Its from kitty135 again!

I dare Sora to summon Rayquaza and demand it to use a powerful move on Ursula (I hate Ursula A LOT!!!)

At the exact time,Sora and Riku entered the living room.Sora tries to avoid eye contact with Drew.

Sora:Drew...I'm sorry for almost killing you.I know,lost my cool.*grins sheepishly and laughs nervously*

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