Random Chaotic Stuff!Woohoo!

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PG:Hi guys!We received a lot of dares!And here are the OC requests!Wohoo!

Can I join in? Please use my OC characters from my Pokèmon Academy book, Skyla and Travis, since Skyla is me! Thanks!~skygirl888

Ooh! Can Abby from my Truth or Dare and Anna Chase and Mark from The Beast inside and also me join! Sorry theres so many!~CosmicDragonSlayer

Oh, can you include Anna from 'Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin' please?~percy_potter_games10

Hey, could Seth join the fun too?~Eragon104

mind if I join your OC war?~Pawsomeness

Zach:Now,let's welcome Skyla(skygirl888),Travis,Abby,a ninja obsessed with Eevee,Anna,Chase #2,Mark,Nikki (CosmicDragonSlayer),Anna #2 or Lady A,Scarlet (Pawsomeness) and Seth!*Mutters*If any of you dare touch Sora,I'll kill you.>_>


Lady A:Hi!:-)

Scarlet:*Looks around shyly*H-h-hi guys.*Smiles*


Everyone else except the silent and emo ones like Drew,Paul,Rafe and Abby:Hi!^_^

PG:Now,before we start with the dares-

Travis:Hi.May I ask who you are?


Zach:No one touches Sora!I'll kill you!*Takes out a machine gun*

Rafe:*Clutches Sora protectively*Sora,back away.They have to go through me before they get to you.*Smirks*And that would be impossible.


Anna:Yay!We're going to have so much fun here,Mark!


Chase and Chase #2:Hi!*Smiles at each other*I'm Chase!What?!That's my name!Are you copying me?*Points finger at each other and continues to argue*



Drew:Are you nuts?!You almost killed me!

Nikki:I'm not nuts!Just walnuts!*Throws walnuts at Drew*

Drew:-_- Stop it.

Nikki:Cupcakes!*Takes out a chainsaw and chases after Drew*

Drew:Stop!You're crazy!

Nikki:I'm not crazy!I'm evil! >:D

Lady A:Ooh!I have to draw your Pokémon,Sora!Please?

Sora:Uhhh.Sure!*Sends out all her Pokémon for Lady A to draw*

The place was in utter chaos


Scarlet:*Squeaks and runs away from him*

Soren:I knew it.Guess I should stop acting too friendly to random people-_-

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