🔸Shot 103 ~ The Best Of Me II🔸

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"Richie, Eddie...It has returned to Derry"

I froze.

"No...no no we killed that thing, Mike. How could this happen?" Richie questioned in shock and disbelief.

The next few lines were inaudible to me as Mike explained everything to Richie. The only good thing to come out of fighting the clown was that It brought us Losers together.

Other than that...just the thought of It coming back...

"Eddie?" Richie said gently as he kneeled in front me and grabbed my hand. "Eds, are you alright?"

"No" I whispered.

"What's wrong?" he queried concerned, and searched my eyes.

"I can't do this again, Richie"

His eyes became quizzical.

"I can't fight that, that thing again, Richie. I can't. I have a family, I-"

"Eddie, please" he pleaded. "I know you have a family, I know you have commitments, I understand that. I do. And it's killing me to let you go...but if I can't have you, then please, at least keep your promise to Bill"

I'm such a conflicted asshole.

"Richie" I placed a hand affectionately on his cheek. "I...I can't, Rich. I could barely fight that thing the first time. But now? I just can't, Richie"

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I ran inside and into my room. Richie followed suit and tried his best to console me. But that just made it worse.

I want more than anything to stay with Richie, even if it means fighting It again. But I can't, no matter how gentle and pleading Richie's gorgeous eyes are.

"Eds, please. You don't have to be with me, I'm slowly accepting that. Hell...even after all these years I still don't deserve you, but-"

I shook my head and smashed my lips against his. He cupped my tear-stained face in his hands and kissed back tenderly.

I pulled away and searched his beautiful chocolate eyes that never failed to capture my heart.

"Richie, I love you" I tell him gently. "I love you more than I've ever loved anyone. You are the very best of me. I'd give anything to go with you and stay with you...But I can't. To just abandon my family, that's-"

"I know" Richie nodded, but I could see tears in his eyes. "I know, I know, I'm being selfish...But I can't do this without you, Eds. I can't and I don't want to"

I smiled painfully and wiped away his tears.

"Yes you can" I encouraged him. "Richie, you're the greatest friend and comic relief any group has ever had, and don't you dare fight me on this, because it's true. You're a better man than anyone deserves, and an even better friend and boyfriend"

"I love you" he sobbed.

"I love you more"

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