🔸Shot 5 ~ Touch🔸

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Eddie was sitting in my lap, sighing out of boredom when I suggested we go to the park.

"We can get ice cream, Eds" I enticed him.

"Alright" he smiled. "But you're paying this time"

I smirked and pulled him in for a kiss. He's so damn cute.

We went to the park together, our fingers constantly intertwined. Eddie's hand fit perfectly with mine and I loved it. Eddie is a perfect blend of mature and childish. He's articulate, but he still manages to drip ice cream all over himself like a little kid. I watched as the creamy liquid dripped down his lips and onto his chin.

I licked my lips.

"You're a mess, Eds" I chuckled, and sucked the ice cream off of his cheeks and chin.

"R-Richie!" he giggled, and moaned softly when I moved to his neck and then his ice cream covered lips.

The kiss was sweet, the taste of Eddie's ice cream and his lips was incredible. Eddie proceeded to dip his finger in the ice cream. I eyed him curiously with a smirk and watched as he smeared the cold treat on my nose.

"Oh, you'll pay for that one, Eddie Spaghetti!" I teased.

I began tickling him, making him squeal in delight, falling even more in love with Eddie and his breathtaking smile and adorable laughter. I stopped to kiss his soft, sticky lips and he placed his hand on the back of my neck, pulling me in closer to deepen the kiss.

Then the moment was ruined by the voice that never failed to run a chill up my spine.

"Well well, Patrick, look what we got here. The two little fags from the faggot club"

It was Henry, with Patrick laughing sadistically behind him. I put my arm around Eddie and he moved closer to me.

"Shut the fuck up, Bowers" I growled.

"Ooh, big words from such a little faggot. What do you say we teach 'em a lesson, Patrick?" he asked, a dark smile on his creepy face.

He turned to Patrick who was smiling like a maniac.

"I'll have a go on the little one" Patrick replied, grabbing his crotch and eyeing Eddie.

"No, no no don't fucking touch him!" I screamed, pulling Eddie close.

I could feel him trembling before two big hands pulled me away from him and kicked me in the stomach.

"Leave him alone!" I heard Eddie yell.

Henry grabbed me in a chokehold and held me down.

"You're not going anywhere, faggot. You're gonna watch my friend here have fun with your little boyfriend"

I struggled, trying desperately to slip from his grasp and help my Eds.

I looked over at Eddie, who was crying and struggling to get free from Patrick, whose sadistic smile never left his horrid face. He unzipped his pants and started caressing Eddie. Eddie sobbed and squirmed as best he could, but he was helpless.

Patrick began feeling Eddie up his shirt and started to undo Eddie's pants. I started sobbing and tried to look away but Henry had a death-grip on my head, and forced me to watch as Patrick molested my boyfriend, my Eddie, my Eds.

I looked down at Henry's arm locked around my neck and bit down hard, tasting tangy metal on my tongue as he released his grip on my throat.

"Aggh! What the fuck!?" he screamed in agony.

I kicked him hard in the balls before smashing a nearby bottle on his face, knocking him out. Patrick was too busy to notice, and I looked over to see him sitting on top of Eddie, Eddie laying face down, utterly defenseless and struggling to move.

"Not my fucking Eds" I cursed under my breath.

I ran and pushed Patrick off of Eddie. I kicked him repeatedly in the stomach until he stopped moving.


I backed away and pulled Eddie into my arms, tears streaming from his beautiful eyes and down his handsome face. I collapsed to the ground and pulled him into my lap. I showered his face in kisses and whispered to him softly.

"I'm so sorry, Eddie" I cooed. "I won't let anyone touch you ever again, I promise. I love you, Eddie"

He wrapped his arms around my neck and I pulled him closer to my chest, cradling him in my arms as he sobbed.

I dried his tears with my thumbs and held his face close to mine. He looked shakily into my eyes and closed the gap between us, brushing his lips against mine. I kissed back softly. Nobody was allowed to touch my Eds, nobody, except me.

"You're buying next time, too" he said with a smile.

"Deal" I laughed, and we disappeared into a roar of laughter and kisses as I carried him away, safely.

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