🔸Shot 47 ~ Chords🔸

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"Hey Eds" Richie smirked as he came up to me at my locker.

"Don't call me that" I pouted.

"Aww, come on, Eds. You love it and you know" he chuckled.

"Whatever" I smiled and rolled my eyes. (Cue @WhateverIndeed)

"Anyway," he continued, "would you want to come over and study with me, Eddie? I have a history test coming up and I really want to pass"

"Sure, but, you're smarter than you let on, Rich. You don't need me to help you"

"Yeah," he rubbed the back of his neck as his cheeks flushed crimson, "but I'd feel better if I had you to help me"

"Okay, sure" I smiled, and the grin that curled on his lips and illuminated his eyes was bright enough to ignite a fire in my heart as he perked up from my response.

He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and led me out the school doors. We walked silently beside each other as we made our way to Richie's, but occasionally he'd glance my way when he thought I wasn't looking. But I noticed, and when I glanced back he looked away. I smiled to myself as we reached his door.

"Well, welcome to shithole number one" he joked, and opened the door for me.

"Thanks" I scoffed.

"Me casa es tu casa, señor"

I chuckled softly as he said that and he led me upstairs to his room. He closed the door behind us and threw his backpack onto his bed.

"So, should we get started?" I asked.

"Sure Eds, but, I wanna show you something first"

I raised an eyebrow curiously as I watched him walk into his closet.

"What, you're coming out of the closet?" I snickered.

"Very funny, Eds!" he yelled muffled from his closet.

He emerged a few seconds later with a brand new guitar in his hands and he was staring at it proudly before shifting his eyes to mine for a response.

"Wow, is that new?" I grinned.

"Yeah" he scoffed. "One of the only nice things I've ever had"

"This is awesome" I admitted as I ran my thumb across the smooth wood. "Do you play?"

"Uh, y-yeah, but, I'm not that good" he blushed.

"Oh, come on, play me something, Rich" I encouraged him.

"Well, there is, one song...that I wanted to play for you, but I was gonna wait 'till after we finished our homework"

"Oh, okay"

"Fuck it, I wanna play for you. Listen carefully, okay?"

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