The add

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I was on my way back to go live with my dad and my brother in L.A. I dropped out of college cause my dad couldn't pay for my college studies anymore. So I have to get a job somewhere to get my own apartment. I used to live in L.A. with my dad. Andrew Johnson. He's a salesman at Buy more. And he also works as a bartender at the bar near our neighborhood. And that's where the problem comes in. He drinks too much because he works in a bar. And he gets aggressive when he's drunk. And I'm usually the one who deals with it when he is drunk. My brother just ignores him. My brother's name is Edward Johnson. But we all call him Eddie. Usually my brother hangs out with his best friend. Jason Adams. Now Jason owns his father's club. He took it over after high school cause Jason's dad had other companies that needed his attention too. And my brother is working as one of the bouncers at the club. It's called the high blue. It's popular in L.A. Every one hangs out there. So my brother makes a lot by working there. My dad just pays the apartment with what he earns and my brother takes care of the rest. I've been away from home for 2 years, occasionally visiting. But only if I have a reason to. My mom died 5 years ago. She was very sick. And since then my dad just didn't care anymore.

I have long brown hair, slightly curly but I like to straight it, with bangs. I have brown eyes. And I'm skinny. I'm 20 years old turning 21 in a month. My name is Emma Johnson. I was studying photographic. But dropped out in my second year. And I also write my own poems. I was going to study into that more too but things just didn't work out the way I hoped. So I'm going back to L.A. and hopefully I can get a job and safe up and continue with it.

I never was one of the popular ones in school. I was actually bullied a lot in high school. That's where I discovered Linkin Park. Their music helped me to get through it. Being bullied. Being the odd one out. Having braces and bangs. But the braces came off when I was 17. But it didn't make any difference. I guess I was too different. I have my two best friends. Who always was there for me and still is. Madison and Samantha. Also known as Sammy and Maddie.

Maddie has long blonde straight hair, fare skin, blue eyes. And she was a rock type of chick. Didn't care what people think of her. And she was outgoing and she spoke her mind. Where Sammy was the big flirt in our group. She had long curly brown hair, blue eyes and bit tanned. Well she is beautiful. So guys always would flirt with her and she would flirt back and she end up sleeping with them and they leave her but she moves on from them quickly. As for me. I'm the shy one. I'm not used to people paying any attention to me other than bullying me. Guys never even looked my way. I've never had a boyfriend. Or been kissed. And I'm a virgin. Just my brother's best friend who always tries to kiss me and flirts with me. But I just ignore him and push him away when he tries to make a move on me. He's way too annoying and I don't like him so much.

I was in the taxi on my way to my dad's apartment and I saw the news paper on the seat.

"Excuse me? Do you mind if I borrow this?"

"Yes sure." The driver says. And he hands me the newspaper.

I looked on the front page. "Chester Bennington is looking for an assistant." Was the headlines. I opened it to the add and saw it.

I took out my phone and immediately apply.

Chester has been my dream ever since I can remember. I always wanted to meet him. And I've tried. I went to their concerts a few times. But I never got the chance to meet them. Any of them. And I love them. I even have a tattoo on my shoulder that says "LP". I have all their albums and dvd's and posters on my walls. And when I saw this add I had to apply. I need a job and this can be my chance to finally meet Chester. I always had this huge crush on him. And maybe this will be a dream come true for me now.

Now I know he is a few years older than I am. But I really want to meet him. He is 28. But this is my chance to meet the person I always dreamed of meeting.


Something I'm working on. A fan fiction. Let me know what you think of it so far and if you want me to continue on it? Please vote for it.  

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