Chapter 38-Two Days

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Ella's P.O.V.

My eyes shot open. I looked up at Dustin. He was smiling. He didn't see the vision. Good. I think. I didn't want him to have seen it. He would just get more overprotective and he would surly end up dead.

I carefully removed his arm from around me. I pull out the 'Adventures of M.A.'. I look through it. Dustin and I have been looking through for a lead on what could be haunting me. The best we could find was phasma phasmatis, ghosts. But the book had said that a ghost would haunt many people. The book never mentioned anything about them showing people visions of the future. It had mentioned that ghosts are able to show their past and present events. 

I flipped through till I landed on a page different than the others. It was written in the strange language.

For such a young child I have been on many adventures and have had many encounters with the supernatural. How I long to be apart of their world; the hidden world. Vladamir and Jane refuse to transform me into a vampire. Landon refuses to transform me into a werewolf. Finally I went to Cyrus. I had pleaded that he give me some of his power. He refused.

I was enraged. How am I suppose to survive in their world when I was just a mortal? Cyrus assured me that I was well protected. Vladamir and Jane are dead, Landon is suffering anxiety, and Cyrus is growing mad.

I did the only thing I thought I could; I went to the oracle. I knew she could see all and knows all. She had told me that my friends are growing weak. She had said though that there are more to worry about. She had said that the vampires and werewolves are going to rage in war. They had been at each others throats for centuries, why do they chose now to rage in war?

She said that the hidden world is breaking. Every kind in the hidden world are growing apart. They are all going to fall. They shall divide. Their descendants shall know little on other kinds. The mortals will soon pay the price for these wars. There shall be civil wars, world wars, and battles between the mortals.

She told me to find Sirius and tell him what she had told me. I did what she instructed. Sirius didn't believe it. He had lent me his power. He told me that I hold great power. He told me what I must do. I must erase the memories of the other kinds. I must stop their war. I must stop them from destroying the world.

There were only five words left.

I am the last Mythotic.

The pages ended there. Not a thing after it.I turn to another page.

The last Mythotic. What are the Mythotics? I know they use the strange language; they called it the language of the Mythotics. The language reminded me of English. The had their own alphabet. The alphabet contained many strange markings. I think.

I end up on a page marked 'Interfectors'. Interfector translates to killer or slayer.

History: The interfectors are murders to the kingdom of the hidden. They are traitors of the spell casters. Their leader, Mordred, practiced black magic. His greatest power is to awaken the dead. His purpose is to destroy the other kinds. The spell casters are the closest to the mortal kind. They are angered that they are similar to the mortals. Cyrus put a curse on Mordred. Only his descendants can raise the dead. He had done this knowing that Mordred's wife was unable to have a child. The oracle told Mordred that his descendants shall be the rise and fall of the slayers. 

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