"I haven't seen all of them though," he complained, sighing. "Fine, I'll be adventurous. Lets watch Texas chainsaw massacre. Don't get too scared," he said, winking at me. I rolled my eyes. I could tell Blake hadn't seen any of these movies. He had no idea what he was in for.

Blake had been right, there was a lot of cuddling into shoulders for protection. Instead of me cuddling into his shoulder, it was the other way around.

For the first part of the movie he was doing his best to act like the tough guy who never got scared, but halfway through he gave up that facade and scooted closer to me in his seat. Soon enough the tough bad boy was whimpering and hugging me like a little girl.

When we finally pulled up to the campground Blake had jumped away from me and tried to pretend to be manly again. Unfortunately for him, after an hour of his hands gripping my arm I was never going to let this whole incident go.

"You were so scared!" I laughed as he made a horrified face.

"You sick person. Why would you have that horrible movie on your computer?" he asked and I laughed at the expression on is face. This boy was...well, he was special.

"Your just a baby!" I teased and he pouted. "Oh Alyssa, protect me from the chainsaw guy!" I faked a low manly voice for Blake's sake. Hey, Blake and sake rhymed!

"Hey I do not-" he stopped and thought for a minute. "Actually, that was a pretty good impression," he admitted. I shrugged.

"I have been taking acting lessons for ten years now," I said. I had started in grade two, and the acting lessons definitely helped me get friends too. They helped me control my emotions, which helped control my temper. I always dropped friends quite quickly though. We always drifted apart. David was the only one who had been around for a long time.

"Well your actually not bad," he said and I raised an eyebrow at him. He had already turned away to survey the campground so he didn't see the gesture. I sighed. All that eyebrow raising for nothing.

The teacher stood up on a nearby picnic table, and I let out a little chuckle when he stumbled. He was holding a big microphone.

"Students! here are the instructions. Put all personal belongings in the cabin in a locker, then find a partner and pick up one basket per group! The activity is all explained on a sheet in the basket. Now go!" he exclaimed, looking excited. I sighed and went to stuff my backpack into a locker.

'Hey der guuuuurl. You wanna be my P-A-T-R-N-E-R?" Blake asked in a diva voice. I laughed.

"Blake you spelt partner wrong," I told him and he looked confused.

"P-A-T-R-N-E-R," he mumbled over and over again to himself as we went to pick up a basket from the bin. The teacher should have just said bucket, because that was what it was. It was a little plastic bucket with a picture of spongebob and patrick on the side. There were a couple sheets inside so I picked one up and read it, Blake reading over my shoulder.

Hey there troops!

Today we have a special activity! You are going to be doing a plant scavenger hunt. There is one sheet in your bucket that has descriptions of a plant on it. You have to collect fifteen leaves and bring them back to me to be checked. The first group to bring fifteen leaves back will win a surprise!

From teach.

I laughed at the teachers nickname for himself and Blake soon joined in the laughter. This activity wouldn't be too hard. I checked the list and saw a total of fifty possible choices we could find. Blake and I headed off into the clearing to start searching.

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