"Yup. Thirty buckaroos an hour," he assured me and I snorted when he said buckaroos. Not attractive.

"Okay then. Let's get started."

"COMPLETE!" Blake yelled when we finished writing his essay. We had been working for an hour and a half, arguing through the whole thing. Thank god I was getting paid for this.

"See, not that hard," I told him, closing all the books and handing him his essay.

"Not the only thing that's-" I cute him off.

"Your turn to hold up the deal," I said, changing the subject. I really didn't want to hear the rest of what he was going to say. A large grin appeared on his face.

"Oh so you want to know what happened at the party?"


"Well first you came up to me and you were like OHMYGOD BLAKE YOUR SUCH A SEX GOD, and then you were like Your just so attractive and amazing!" he squealed in a high pitched voice.

"First of all, I do not talk like that. Secondly, I DID NOT SAY THAT!" I yelled at him and he laughed.

"You did say I was attractive," he said winking at me. I blushed and stayed silent for a moment trying to come up with a good comeback. "Aha so it's true!"

"Nuh-AGHH!" I let out a girly, ear piercing scream. I had my reasons though.

"What?" he asked and I pointed to the floor where a large spider was crawling around. "Seriously?"


"Your lame."

"Kill it!"


"KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT!" I whined, tears flowing from my eyes. He sighed and got up to pick it up. I saw him toss it out a nearby window and relaxed. "Thanks."

"You are such a wimp!" he yelled at me and I sent him a glare.

"Your probably scared of something too!" I said to help defend myself.

"Nope nothing," he replied, shrugging it off. "You on the other hand, probably have phobias of everything."

"Nuh uh! I just have Arachnaphobia, Scelerophobia and Coulrophobia," I explained.

"Which is?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. His eyes were in clear sight now. They were so pretty.

"A fear of spiders, murderers and clowns," I explained, and he sat back in his chair.

"The spider one is stupid," he muttered.

"So you admit you agree with the clowns and murderers," I said happily. He ignored me.

"Wouldn't it be funny if in biology we got to cut open spiders?" he asked and I shuddered at the thought.

"You take biology?" I asked him and we nodded.

"Ya were in the same class," he said. That could help with the bet.

"Stalker," I muttered and he threw a pillow at me, hitting me in the face. "HEY!" I yelled, whipping the pillow back at me.

"Now, it's war," Blake said in a scary voice and I jumped up from the couch, dodging a blow that landed where I had been sitting a moment ago. I ran up the stairs to my bedroom, giggling.

"In the movies all the stupid girls hide upstairs too," he said as he grabbed me from behind around the waist. He carried me down the stairs and dropped me on the couch, sitting on me.

"Blake!" i yelled in protest but he ignored me. He was about to reach for a pillow when we heard the front door open. Oh god no.

We both sat up and scooted away from each other. My dad walked inside, looking at the random boy in his house. He wasn't going to take it well.

"Who is this, Alyssa?" my dad asked and I gulped in my throat.

"Blake Richards," I said. His name sparked recognition in my dads eyes.

"Well young man! I've heard great things about you!" he said happily. Blake stood up, walking over to shake my dads hand. I followed him but stood a little farther away. My dad looked at the two of us.

"Why are you two wearing the same thing?" he asked, a puzzled look on his face.

"Coincidence," I said, startled that my voice came out strong.

"Well sir, it's nice to meet you and I hope you stay with my fathers company for a very long time, but I better be going," Blake said politely to me father. That was a weird side of him, but it was cute.

"Goodbye Blake. Say hi to your father for me if you get a chance," my dad said as Blake left with a wave. My dad shut the door and turned to me. Anger flared in his eyes and I swallowed a gulp of air.

"Why was the boy here Alyssa," he asked, trying to keep calm.

"We were working on English," I said, my voice sounding weak.

"You lying little bitch!" he yelled and started at me. I stumbled back.

"No dad it's true!" I protested. He stopped charging at me.

"Your a slut, just like your mother!" he yelled, his hand whipping across my face. It stung but I held my composure. He just needed to calm down. As always he would be better soon.

"If you ever bring a boy here again I will hit you do hard you won't know what happened. Now go to bed," my dad told me and I started to walk out of the room.

Tears filled my eyes and I let out a small whimper as I went up the stairs. No matter how many times my dad hit me, it still hurt just as bad as the first time.

Maybe I could handle the physical pain of it, but it hurt to think that after all this, my dad was still convinced I was just like my mother.


Anyone see that coming? I hope not because it takes out the surprise in the story lol.

The phobia thing was actually true for me lol. Spiders,clowns&those crazy murderer people are freeakinnnng scary! you guys got any phobias?



also ill dedicate the next chapter to the best comment <3 so please comment

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