I am Darkness

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I am currently binded by this chaos brigade member's shadow sacred gear and I'm in deep shit...is what I would say if I was weak to shadows.

Just as he comes at me with his blade, I break free of the shadow binds and he misses me by a hair.

"I shall give you support!" Kunou says throwing a blue flame at the brigade member. I then rush in front of her to protect her.

"Foxfire, Huh? This level of fire is useless against me!" He claims and I keep Kunou close to me.

"What are you going to do?" He asks.

"Simple...show you real darkness." I say.

"SHADOW DRAGON ROAR!!!!" I say letting out a stream of darkness and shadows at him.

"AGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!! WHAT IS THIS!!!!!????" He yells in great agony.

"The shadow dragons roar at my current level is designed to make those inflicted suffer a great deal of pain from the inside out. Basically you're going to be hollowed out." I say.

"Shit! DRAGON SLAYER KING!!!!" He says and I release him form his nightmare.

"You'll die if we keep going. I recommend you surrender." I say.

"If it means dying for him, then I'll do it." He says.

"Why are you so loyal to cao cao?" I ask.

"You know how possessors of sacred gears are treated. They are hated, ostracized, and persecuted no matter where they go. But...if you receive words that blow all of that away...it can't be helped if you want to love your life for that person!" He exclaims.

"You never know, maybe he's just using you." I say.

"What's wrong with that? My shorty life has finally become worth something! WHAT THE HELL KS WRONG WITH THAT, DRAGON SLAYER KING?!?!?!" He asks.

I put Kunou down and start to walk up to him.

"My powers will help him destroy devils, angels, and gods! Is there anything more amazing than that? Besides you're my enemy!!!" He says getting up and about to stab me but I grab the blade.

"You're half right about me being a devil, but I'm also a dragon. And let me tell you a little something I absolutely detest. It's ignorant fools who think their life is meaningless!!!" I yell and punch him to the wall.

"Regardless, they are people who'll shed tears because of you guys. No matter what reason you have, I must take you down." I say and he just scoffs.

"Dragon Slayer King." Kunou calls.

"Let's go to your mom."

"Yes." She says.

We leave the subway station without any further interruptions and manage to meet up with Kiba and the rest.

"Sorry to keep you all waiting." I say.

They all greet me with warm regards except for Saji and Rossweisse, who is still feeling ill from the alcohol.

"Xenovia, what's that?" I ask pointing to a sword she has.

"Oh, it just arrived from the church. It's the modified Durandal." She explains.

"So it arrived in the nick of time. Talk about great timing." I say and then I hear an ominous sound.

"Sounds like the other party is waiting for us." Kiba says.

We then go up to a temple where the head honcho and his lackeys are.

"You all are truly astounding." Cao cao says.

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