The Vanishing Dragon and The Demon Slayer

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I just stand in place with my black and white scales all over my arms, smiling a devils smile. "Holy magic and Shadow magic?" Kokabiel asks. "(Y/n)..." Rias says. "I thought it was impossible for a material item to hold holy and devil powers for a living creature to have both light and darkness, that's just pure insanity." Xenovia states awe-struck. Hey Rias, you ready?" I ask. "Absolutely." She says powering up as well to the point her eyes become as red as her hair. "Holy shit!!" Issei says. "They're amazing." Asia says. "I can feel the waves of power even from over here." Kiba says and kokabiel laughs. "Now things are getting interesting. Yes what we have here is both a devil and dragon's power to the highest degree. You two have been blessed with strength comparable to that of the mighty sir zechs." Kokabiel says. Rias and I prepare our magic. "In that case BEGONE!!!" Rias says launching her destruction. "WHITE SHADOW DRAGON FLASH FANG!!" I chant releasing a stream of black and white. The attacks connect almost too easily. "Yes this is almost like that of sir zechs. Almost." He says so me and Rias up the power but soon fall over. "Damn, I guess my body still needs to get used to this." I say. "You guys ok?" Issei asks and Rias looks up. "NO, AKENO!!!" Rias exclaims and I see akeno flying up. "Now bring out THUNDER!!!" Akeno says throwing her famous lightning bolt at him but he blocks with his wings. "Could it she who possesses the power of Baraqiel is trying to fight?" Kokabiel asks. "Don't speak his name. I AM NOTHING LIKE THAT CREATURE!!!" Akeno states. "Baraqiel?" I am. "One of the fallen angel leaders. He can use lightning and thunder. So basically akeno's power." Xenovia explains. "Well that's a strange coincidence." Issei says. "I don't think it's a coincidence." I say. Soon Akeno runs out of power. "Oh dear say it isn't so, why choose to go so far as to be a devil, what an amusing house Rias. The Ultimate dragon slayer, the red dragon emperor, a ruined holy sword project subject, and Baraqiel's daughter." Kokabiel states shocking us all. "What?! Is he right Akeno, you're the daughter of a fallen angel?" I ask her and she looks away. "How terribly amusing. A propensity for inferior products must run in the family." Kokabiel says. "Your insulting comments about my brother will not be tolerated but for insulting my servants you will pay the ultimate price and DIE!!" She declares. "By all means go ahead and try professor of the Dragon slayer, Crimson haired princess and the devil King's baby sister. Please tell me you know you're confronting the arch enemy of Devils. Might as well take advantage of this opportunity you may never get it again." Kokabiel mocks. "Hey fallen angel dipshit." I call out. "(Y/n)!" Rias says surprised. "If you say one more thing to Rias or Akeno, I'm going to make sure you don't live to regret it. Don't test me either." I declare. "Really? You must be an idiot." He says. "Nope that's issei, but we all have our things now let's go!!" I say. "Don't do it (y/n)!!" Rias orders. "We got your back, if anything we can buy you a little more time." Xenovia says. "You just focus on powering up now." Kiba says as he, xenovia, koneko and issei go into the fray. "Got it." I say focusing my my power. Kokabiel creates two swords of light to fight off xenovia and Kiba. "Whoa wants more fun than holy sword and holy devil sword attacks at the same time?" Kokabiel asks. "This." Both issei and Koneko say about to get the jump in him but he sprouts his wings and shakes them all away, but Koneko gets beaten more than the rest. "Koneko!!" I say running over to her. Every one of us practically running on fumes due to our fight with the Cerberus and Kokabiel is still fresh as a daisy. He then released a wave of light xenovia and Kiba are blown back and I use my iron scales to protect Asia and the beaten koneko. "We're not done get." Xenovia says. "You still want more huh? We'll hop to it already." He orders. Just then Kiba gets on his feet. "SWORD BIRTH!!!" He chants bringing out more holy devil swords around Kokabiel but he uses his wings to prevent damage and breaks them all. "Cute but is that all you got?" He asks. Kiba then tries to slash him with two swords but he catches the sword with his fingers. "Give up?" He asks. "NEVER!!!" He says bringing a sword to his mouth and getting a scratch on Kokabiel. "You cut me." He says and throws at blast at Kiba but xenovia arrives to destroy it. "Damn I don't know how much longer we can take this." I say. "Why try so hard for a group of losers who don't even know they've lost their master?" Kokabiel asks catching our attention. "Mind clarifying?" Rias orders. "Kokabiel, tell me what lost their master is supposed to mean." Xenovia barks. "Whoops that just slipped right out." He laughs. "ANSWER MY QUESTION NOW!!!" Xenovia orders. He just laughs. "I guess I am trying to start a war, there's no point in hiding it any longer. I might as well tell you the brutal truth. IN THE PREVIOUS THREE WAY WAR GOD WAS ACTUALLY KILLED AMONG WITH THE FOUR GREAT DEVIL KINGS!!!" He says bringing all of us to shock.

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