Please the Master

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THE FOLLOWING CHAPTER WAS SUGGESTED BY WeabooWarrior84 , But was created by yours truly. Hope you like it. Leave comments throughout.

I have had an exhausting week.

First, my company, Future Stars Inc. a technological company has been experiencing difficulties because of some wannabe hackers disrupting our system, luckily we have better hackers so they don't get away.

And if Work hasn't been bad enough, I have school...wait a minute I'm a genius so that isn't a problem. Scratch my last prob.

Also there hasn't been any real problems with the devil world. I guess I'm just paranoid about what is to happen in the future.

My real problem is myself.

"We'll begin the examination." Chisato says as I lay down on the bed.

Ever since the Loki and Astaroth incident, the Dragon Slayer inside me, Acnologia has been trying to control my body, at least that's what Azazel says.

Chisato uses her magic to examine my body from the inside, physically and emotionally. For the physical part, I was examined by my organs. For the emotional, my mind and thoughts.

I wouldn't trust anyone else to do this sort of thing but her. She's been my doctor for a long time and she's practically a motherly figure to me, save the fact that we had sex.

"There seem to be no abnormalities. The only thing I notice is that your stressed. Everything ok?" She asks.

"Yeah, I've just been pretty tired. To be honest I could use a bit of relaxation to take my mind off of things even if it's just a little."

"I can understand that. Well, you're free to go back to class." She says.

"Thanks." I say taking off.

Chisato pov

As (y/n) leaves the room, I dial Rias's number.

"Say Rias, I think I may have an idea for what we could do for (y/n) stress and hard work. Want to hear it?" I ask her.

"Of course." She says.

I explain my idea to her.

"Sounds like a good idea. Should we make it a surprise?" She asks.

"It wouldn't be much fun if it weren't,dear." I respond and hang up.

My pov

School has passed and there were no club activities for today, which was fine with me because I don't think I can take a summons in my condition.

I walk into my house and the lights are all off.

"Hello, is anyone here?" I sayand hear some shuffling around the room.

"Alright, whoever it is, if this is a prank, you're messing with the wrong guy. You got three seconds to show yourself and then I get angry." I say and I immediately sense someone behind me and dodge a punch they try to throw but they're not alone as I'm surrounded by more people. I try to fight back but take a hard blow to the head knocking me out cold.

The Dragon Slayer ( highschool dxd x mreader)Where stories live. Discover now