Im a what now???

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Your POV

"Master (Y/n), it is time to go to school!" Clarissa, one of my maids calls as she draws closer to my room.

I quietly screamed. "NO! She can't see this!" I panicked, looking for a cover for Rias. "Here, put this over you!" I say, handing her the blanket that fell of the bed, but trip and fall on top of her.

"Master (Y/n), it's time for...." Clarisa trails off as soon as she opened the door, seeing the scene Rias and I were in.

"Good morning. How are you today?" Rias greets casually.

"I'm...fine...Master (Y/n), you're late...and naked." She says, slowly closing the door. I hear the sound of rapid footsteps drawing down the hall and down the stairs, only to hear shock and panicked shouting. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT HE IS DOING UP THERE"  She yelled to the other present butlers and maids. "He had a girl up there! She was real and naked!!!"

"Wait what? He has a girl up there?" The others ask, soon developing into a massive collective chatter.

I gave up. I fall on the floor and began praying. "Dear God, make me a bird so I a can fly far,far away from here." I say. 'Wait a minute, Clarissa's right. I was in bed with Rias. I'm naked, she's naked, are you telling me I had sex and didn't know it?! SHIT!!! I wanted to know my first time! SON OF A...' I think to myself before Rias spoke up.

"It's quite a party here in the morning, isn't it?"

"Um, you're not covered up anymore you know." I say.

"Yes I know." She replies smiling.

"But, um...your body is showing. And I uh..." I stuttered.

"Want me to stand up so you can get a better view?" She asks, standing up off the bed and showing more of her beautifully curved and slender body.

"You did not just say that. Normal girls don't say that" I mutter.

She bends down grabs a pair of black and purple panties and puts them on. "Better? How's your stomach feel? Where you were stabbed." She asks me while I'm still shocked and processing the situation.

"I was stabbed?" I ask.

"It left you weak, but luckily all you needed was a magic touch to bring back to health" She replies, putting on a bra and showing her back to me. "Would do this for me please" She asks.

"Of course." I get up and help her clip her bra in place. "So, why are we naked?" I ask.

"I just told you. My magic healed you, but it only works if we are undressed and if I hold you close to me." She explains.

'Wait a minute...our bodies touched each other?!' I think in panic, thinking of what may have happened while I was unconscious.

"Don't worry. We didn't do it, I'm still a virgin." She says in reassurance.

"Seriously?" I sighed in relief, only to think back at everything that's happened. "Look, I'm glad I'm better but this is all just so confusing..." I said while looking rather distraught.

"Now what's with that face?" Rias asks, lifting my head up from my chin and holding it close to hers. "You should be smiling. This world is magical." She says, making me smile a bit. "That's better." She smiles.

"Umm, I just remembered something odd..." I say.

"What is it" Rias asks.

"Didn't you say something about being a devil?" I ask her.

She smiles, and says the unbelievable. "Yes, that's because I am one. Not only that but I'm also your Master..." She holds my face so close our lips almost touch. "I like the name (Y/n), I'll let you keep it."

The Dragon Slayer ( highschool dxd x mreader)Where stories live. Discover now