A day with Chisato

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(Hi guys, last special before I start season 2. Lemon will be put in this chapter. Just to avoid questions, yes this is part of the ova from shinmai maou no testament.)

It is just a normal day of me getting up to Rias and Asia, walking to school with them arm in arm, getting glares from everyone and god knows what else. I'm am in the middle of my math period. "Excuse me sir..." I say calling out to the instructor. "Can I be excused to the nurse for my appointment?" I ask. "Of course, go ahead." The instructor says. I then leave the classroom and go to the nurse's office for my therapy. "Excuse me." I say opening the door. "Hasegawa-sensei?" I ask looking for her. "Is that you, (y/n)?" She asks from behind a curtain. "Yeah, I'm just here for my therapy session." I say. "You came at a good time. Can you come over here?" She asks signaling me to come in the blinded area. "Uh sure. Excuse me." I say opening the curtains and blush at what I see. Hasegawa-sense I is wearing a one piece bikini and it fits in all the right places. "What are you doing." I say nervous. "I was asked to oversee the swim class. None of the standard provided swimsuits fit me, so I had one specially made, but the zipper is stuck for some reason." She says. "Is that so?" I ask looking away. "Sorry to ask, but can you help me unzip?" She asks and she holds her breasts up to prevent them from exposing when I unzip her. "O-ok, h-here I go." I say preparing to unzip her. "Yeah. Thanks." She responds. I try real hard to pull the zipper down but it won't go down. "Wow it's really stuck. If I pull too hard it might break." I say and soon get up to get something. "(Y/n)?" She asks wondering what I am doing. "Sensei, is it alright if I use this?" I ask holding up a bottle of foam lubricant. "Sure I'll leave it to you." She says and I spray the zipper area and accidentally spray some on her breasts which causes her to let out a little moan. "Sorry my voice just slipped out. But with this won't your hand slip as well." She asks worried. "Don't worry." I say and grab the hem of the swimsuit. "Alright...one, two." I say and open the swimsuit and her breasts just fall out exposing her body to me and we just stare at each other until she finally breaks the silence. "That was a rough way to do it." She says. "S-sorry." I say walking out of the curtain area allowing her to clean herself. "I'm not judging you. I'm just surprised by the way you handled this. Thanks to you, this swimsuit I just bought, didn't have to be tipped in half." She says. "Yeah well as long as I was able to help. "(Y/n), do you have time after school today?" She asks. "Um I don't know I'll have to check with my club president. Why?" I ask. "Well I was thinking we could go out to eat." She says coming out in her bra making me red. "Um yeah I'll ask if I can have the day off." I say. "Ok I'll see you until then. Let's just skip our therapy today." She says smiling.

I manage to get through the entire day and after school ends I go to the clubroom. "Um Rias..." I begin to say. "Yes (y/n)?" She asks. "I was wondering if I could have the night off, I have a meeting with someone." I say. "Of course. You've been working hard so you deserve to relax a while." Rias says and I leave the clubhouse and find hasegawa-sensei waiting outside her car for me. We soon drive off for I don't no where. 'This feels so uncomfortable.' I think to myself. "My apartment is over there." She says. "Huh?" I say surprised. "What's the matter?" She asks me. "Nothing. It's just that I thought we'd be going to a restaurant or something." I say. "Are you unsatisfied with my cooking?" She asks. "No, no I didn't mean that." I say trying to get my words together. "Well I guess there's a first for everything. Making food for another person, inviting a guy over..." she says. 'Huh this is the first time she's having a guy over' I think with surprise.

I soon find myself inside her apartment and she changes out of her work clothes into just a button down shirt and her underware. She then sets a bunch of plates of food on the table where I am seated. "I tried making food a guy your age would like. We'll dig in." She says. "Oh ok. Thanks for the food." I say and take a bite of the food. "How is it?" She asks. "It's so good." I say. "Really? That makes me so happy. Eat as much as much as you like." She says smiling. I take her up in her offer and end up eating everything she set out. She then begins to wash the dishes. "It's only fair that I wash the dishes for you." I say. "It's fine. Washing the dishes after the meal is a privilege of the cook." She says. "Come on there gotta be something I could do for you." I say. "There actually is something. In return can you do me a favor?" She asks."sure." Insay and she tells me what she wants. "Are you sure about that?" I ask standing behind her. "Yeah, do it." She says. "Ok." I say and wrap my arms around her waist. "Like this?" I ask. "This is nice. Hearing your voice a different height is refreshing as well." She says and I catch a glimpse of her cleavage and that makes me blush. "As a reference, how do you do it with Rias and Akeno?" She asks. "How? What do you mean?" I ask. "I mean...this." She says and she rubs her butt in my crotch area. "W-we don't do this kind of thing." I say. "I believe you. A good teacher believes her students." She says. "A good teacher wouldn't tease her students like this. I swear, you're going to get in trouble one day." I say. "I look forward to it. So (y/n) how was my cooking?" She asks. "Um you might get mad by the way I say this, but..." I begin to say. "What is it?" She says. "This is my first time eating your cooking, but it feels very nostalgic." I say tightening my embrace. "What do you mean?" She says. "Well I grew up in house without my mother for 10 years so I forgot what her cooking tasted like and even what she looks like." I say sadly. "I see..." she says sad as well. "Well don't get me wrong your cooking was very-" I begin to say. "(Y/n)...even if it is just a little...can you hold me tighter?" She asks and I heed her orders and hold her closer and tighter to me. "We're a student and teacher you know." She says. "I can stop if you want." I say and she buries her face in my chest. "That's unfair." She says. "Who said anything on this planet is fair." I say.

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