The Raging Dragon

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"Asia, just hang on a little longer. I'm coming to save you as fast as can. You'll be ok. I swear it." I say to myself as all of us are running up the steps. When we get to the top, we are met by a group of robed people in front of two passages. "I knew you would follow me. That's why I put together this welcome party. Now let's play our game." Diodora announces. "Are you serious?" Akeno asks. "You've got to be shitting me!" I say. "Unfortunately, today's rating game has been cancelled. Of course you already knew that." Rias says. "So then we'll play my game instead. Should you refuse to play or lose, Asia will become mine." Diodora claims. "I don't care if he's the part of the Beelzebub bloodline, he will die today." I say gritting my teeth. "You will fight two separate battles, simultaneously. On the right path, two rooks and eight pawns await. The battle on the left will be against my queen and bishops. You can split your forces any way you see fit." Diodora explains. "(Y/n), issei, koneko, xenovia and Gasper, take out his forces on the right." Rias commands. "Ten of them against five of us?" Gasper asks frightened. "Don't forget that (y/n) absorbed seven of our own pieces. So as far as power's concerned, we have a slight advantage." Kiba reassures. "Then let the game begin." Diodora says. My assigned fighting force transports to the location of battle. "Oh by the way, all of my pawns have already been promoted to queen. I like to hedge my bets." Diodora explains. "I knew you weren't one to fight fair, but this is a new low, even for you." Rias says and I can see her location and her opponents reveal themselves. "Jus a queen and two bishops? They must have a lot of confidence in themselves." Akeno says. "Xenovia, I need you to keep those rooks busy." Rias orders. "Fine. I was made for fights like this." Xenovia says. "Koneko, I need you to work crowd control on those pawns. Issei, start boosting yours and (y/n)'a strength. (Y/n), give Gasper a quick taste of your blood." Rias says and I cut my hand to give some blood to Gasper. "We're cocked, locked, and ready to rock!" Issei says. "I'm gonna bust some heads." I say cracking my knuckles. "Time to level the playing field, you two." Rias says catching out interest and surprising is with her plan. "Woah wait a second are you sure that's ok?" Issei asks. "ARE YOU FOR REAL, RIGHT NOW?" I ask. "Yes..." she says. "Thank you sexy boss!" Issei says before I punch him. "Promotion: Queen, Bitches!" Both issei and I say and we run Issei rushes in. "Koneko, cover me!" Issei tells her and he places a familiar magic circle on them. "All too easy. I make kicking ass look good. Dress break, snap!" Issei says making the pens clothes fall apart. "Great work, weirdo. FALL INTO DARKNESS! SHADOW DRAGON ROA-" I try to chant but one the pawns kicks my jaw up making me miss. Along with that, they also kick issei in the face. "Is your face going to be ok, Issei? (Y/n)?" Gasper asks. "I'm good, you?" I ask. "Yeah I'll be fine. I just saw full frontal!" Issei says. "Dumbass. You're such a pervert." Koneko says. Issei and I are continuing to fend off the pawns buts its rather hard for him. "I can't fight if I'm checking out the curtains!" Issei says. "You might've noticed this but they're not responding to your vulgar technique. I cast a spell on them that seals away any feelings of embarrassment or modesty." Diodora explains. "But dress break relies on that. It's the only thing that makes it work!" Issei says. "SHADOW DRAGON SLASH!!!" I chant doing a scratch attack but the girl dodges it. "What the hell is up with these pawns? I can't even hear their thoughts!" I say. "Their attacks are perfectly coordinated." Koneko says. "The way they move. It's almost like a violent ballet. Dancing as if their hearts beat as one." Gasper says. 'Heartbeat, huh?' I think to myself and then remember what happened with akeno. 'That's it! I'm just listening in the wrong place!' I realize. "So how do we not die?" Koneko asks. "We have to do something now!" Gasper says. "Easy. O Poison Dragon Queen, by thy name I beseech thy power to hear my enemies hearts. VENOMINAGA!" I chant. "What's going on?""I'm confused?" The pawn girls say. "Alright, now let's hear your little plans." I say and listen. 'The plan is to stun or even blind the little vampire kid. The six of us against one of them make pretty good odds. Attack the vampire kid while they're distracted.' I can hear them think. "There, those three girls are after you Gasper. Use your power to freeze them!" I order and he stops them.'no way they stopped the attack cold.''do you think they read our minds?''if they did, then they would know that we're attacking the cat girl.' I hear them think. "Koneko, heads up!" I say and koneko attacks the girls coming after her. "Bastard! How are you predicting our every move? Are you reading our minds?" They ask. "No, but I was able to hear what was in your hearts. And go figure your hearts are all one in the same! Here I have a little gift for you. CHANGE MODE LIGHTNING FLAME DRAGON!!!!" I chant releasing a lightning and flame aura. "Woah that's awesome!" Issei says. "Better get out the way, Issei. I'm about to unleash a million watts of lightning and cause third degree burns." I warn and he gets out the way. "LIGHTNING....FLAME....DRAGON ROAR!!!" I say releasing a steam of lightning flame stream knocking out what was left of the pawns. "The pawns. All of them. Gone." The rooks say. "It looks like I'll be able to really cut loose now. When I first met my friend Asia, I said some terrible things, I've come to regret. I called her a witch and a heretic, but even after these insults, she still accepted me and made me feel at home. I will protect her. Aura transfer! Durandal to Hope! With your powers combined, I will smite my enemies! I have the strength because friendship is magic!" Xenovia states before practically destroying the rooks and the building. "Wow...I know now to stay on her good side." I say to myself and then look over to the area Rias and the others are and see they are in quite the predicament. "We have to take out both bishops and the queen simultaneously. The question is how?" Akeno asks. "I wish there was someway for me to help them." I say and then koneko tugs at my sleeve. "I have an idea. Try this." She says and then she tells me her idea. "Hey akeno, can you hear me?" I ask over the comm. "(y/n)?" Rias asks in confusion. "Oh good lord. If you can win that fight...then I promise to take you out on a date next Saturday. You really think this is really going to work, koneko?" I ask unsure and she nods. "I doubt a date with me is that much an incentive but I'm flattered though. Huh. WHHAAAT?!!??!?" I say seeing a stream of lightning. I can her akeno's giggles of glee. "(Y/n), I can't believe you'd ask her out like that right in front of me!" Rias says. "It only shows that there's room in (y/n)'s heart for my love." Akeno says. "I don't want to hear that from someone who's got a power up from being promised one date with another girl's man.""I won't think of him as your man until he pops the question.""We're practically married already because of how many times we've slept together. Last night was no exception. In bed together...he touched my breasts the whole night.""(y/n) tosses and turns a lot in his sleep. It's happened to all of us.""Yeah, well how many of you have had sex with him twice?" They both argue and their power rises exponentially. "Jealousy. It truly is woman's kryptonite." Kiba says. "I demand you stop this nonsense. You ignore me and fight amongst yourselves over a boy?" Diodora queen asks. "BACK OFF!!!" Rias and Akeno say wiping the queen and bishops. "Nice, looks like we won." Gasper and issei say. "As expected from our king and queen. One hell of a double attack finisher!" Xenovia says. "Word." Koneko says.

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