Ova The Unressurected Phoenix

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Rias's pov

We are all currently on the train to the underworld to the Phoenix residence. All of the girls except myself, Akeno, and Ravel are playing old maid. I can that Rossweisse has an upper hand but she has a lousy poker face. "I lost again!" She whines. "Ms. Rossweisse, I'm read the expressions on your face." Asia says. "It's true, it's so obvious." Irina says. "It's been a while since we last visited the Phoenix house." Akeno says. "Huh? Oh yeah." I respond and look over at a sickly (y/n) sitting with Ravel. It's almost hard to believe that someone as strong as him could get motion sickness.


"Lady Rias...I apologize for the sudden visit. Actually...I wanted to ask you for your advice regarding my brother." Ravel says. "Riser..." I say to myself. "You want to talk about Riser?" (Y/n) asks. "Yes. I assume you've heard the stories about him. Like how he does nothing but mope about since that last incident." She explains. "Riser? I've heard the rumors too." Xenovia says. "Who is he?" Irina asks. "He is from the Phoenix family and Rias's ex fiancé." Asia explains to them. "Fiancé?! How romantic!" Irina says. "It sounds so noble!" Rossweisse says. "Hold on. If he is her ex fiancé, then..." Irina starts. "You see, (y/n) crashed their engagement party and challenges Riser to a duel, from what I heard he took on his whole peerage. It was 16 against one. (Y/n) won and took back Rias so much without suffering a scratch." Koneko explains. "On the other hand, I heard that Riser never lost a match and since they were taken down by one guy. (Y/n) was a beast in that match." Issei says. "Riser still hasn't recovered from that right?" I ask. "I probably shouldn't have come here, but...I only have your place to turn for this." Ravel explains. "My place? What do you mean?" I ask confused. "When I was asking for advice on how to help my brother, I was told he should learn the so called fortitude that Lady Rias's peerage possesses. That is what your household is famous for." She says. "Fortitude?!" I say shocked. "A certain someone knows about that." Irina says. "More precisely, he should be ashamed of himself! I can't believe he's been sulking for half a year because of one loss. He even says that he is afraid of dragons! Since then he hasn't participated in a single rating game. Gossip magazines have been writing whatever they want about him. He got traumatized by one battle with Lord (y/n), and now he cannot touch one thing that relates to dragons. I would understand if he was simply holding a grudge against Lord (y/n). He should man up and learn from the experience of that defeat and grow stronger. Even the other girls in his peerage have grown stronger after getting their butts handed to them by (y/n)! It's really really shameful!...but...he's still my brother..." She says. "Oh good grief. Fine. Don't worry Ravel. I'll do something about it. Since I am the reason behind it all, it stands to reason that I be the one who teaches him about fortitude. Just leave it to me. I'm all about fortitude. So please don't worry about it anymore." (Y/n) says. "Well...if you absolutely insist...I will accept your help, lord (y/n). Please work hard for a high ranking devil. I...I would really appreciate it." Ravel says. "Understood, (y/n) will be the one in charge of getting Riser out of his funk. Are you sure you you're ok with doing this though?" I ask him. "No, but it's obvious that this fool needs serious help and I intend to give it to him and if that fails then I'll simply beat it into him." (Y/n) says.

Flashback over.

I look over and see that Ravel is laughing at something that (y/n) told her. If anyone can cure Riser, it's definitely him.

My pov

We arrive at the Phoenix manor, well not so much manor as a CASTLE. "This place is huge. And I though Rias's house was big, but it can't beat this place. So what does Riser do all day?" I ask. "He stays in his room all day running rating game simulations. Occasionally he will summon people who are good at chess to play with him." Ravel explains as we pass all of Riser's peerage and I notice that fact that they are all staring at me with hearts in their eyes. Finally we arrive at a huge door with a Phoenix on it. Ravel knocks on the door. "Big brother, you have guests." She says. "Ravel? I don't want to see anybody today. I had a nightmare. I don't feel like meeting anybody." I hear Riser say depressed. "Your guest is Lady Rias." Ravel says and then I hear a crash. "R-Rias?!??" He asks. "Riser, it's me." Rias says. "Why have you come here after such a long time, Rias? Are you here to laugh at me? Or maybe you're here to brag about your wonderful sex life with the Dragon Slayer King?" He says. "I want to talk to you for a little bit. Let me see your face." Rias says and a few loud footsteps come and I see the pitiful sight that is Riser Phoenix. "What could you possibly want to talk about with the man you rejected? Wha-Dr-Dr-Dr- DRAGON SLAYER KING!!!!!" He says looking at me. "Wow. You look terrible." I say and he screams and retreats to under his bed sheets. "Go away! I don't want to be reminded of that time! Such a miserable feeling...I don't want to experience something like that ever again!" He whines. "Is this really someone who has never lost a game since they were born?" Rias asks. "For crying out loud...Big Brother! Lady Rias too the time to come and see you. Please stop hiding under your bed covers." Ravel begs. "L-leave me alone! Go home!" He continues complaining. "I have my work cut out for me. Let's get him out of his room." I suggest.

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