I Love You

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I just wanted to protect her. Funny thing is, it doesn't matter if we have a contact to her, I'm bound to her just the same. The way she holds herself, standing dignified and strong. Her long beautiful crimson her flowing in the breeze. She is my master...and I will serve her. My beloved ruin princess.

Rias and I clash in a tackle attack. "Rias!" I say. She suddenly blasts me back with her magic, luckily it doesn't hurt. "I'd go to hell and back just to bring her home. APOCALYPSE DRAGON ROAR!!!" I chant blasting a energy wave at her forcing her back, normally this attack would apparently disintegrate anything it touches at full power, so I'm holding back. She then flies over in my direction. "After everything you've done for me, no way am I abandoning you! WAKE UP!!!" I yell and dodge a flurry of kicks with extreme speed. She then wraps something around my neck and swings me around. "APOCALYPSE DRAGON GRIP STRIKE!!!" I chant breaking apart the chain with so much pressure. "Why won't you wake up? Come back to me, please!" I say realizing a flurry of punches. When she Reagan's control of herself, she creates claws from her nails and tries to strike me. "IRON DRAGON LANCE!!!IRON DRAGON SWORD!!!" I chant bringing both my lance and sword countering her strikes. '(Y/n), you just saved my life. Thank you.' I hear her voice say in my head making me remember how I saved her from Riser and fate. "Wake...up...Rias...I...I LOVE YOU!!!!" I yell and she lands a punch on my face, but I grab her wrist. "Wake...up...Rias, please..RIIIIIAAASSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yell and punch her a couple meters back and start charging up an attack. 'I understand. I know what I've gotta do now. But...I'm so scared of hurting you. I just wanted to be your protector." I say stopping my charging and she starts to charge up her own attack. "If I don't put a stop to this, the Loki gets exactly what he wants! PLEASE STOP IT RIAS!!! DONT LET HIM WIN!!!! YOURE BETTER THAN THAT!!!!!" I say and see her facial expression change. "I won't lose you...I'll do whatever it takes. Nothing will stop me. I'll always save you. I'm your pawn right? ITS MY JOB!!!! RIAS!!!!! WAKE UPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!" I yell coming out of my scales. And she does the same and starts falling in my direction. "(Y/n)? It's you! Thank you...my darling. You saved my life." She says. "Rias! It's you again right? I was so worried! Huh?" I say and notice someone else coming. Loki, still wearing my face. "Asshole...you're going to die for what you've done. Using my body, my face. And worse of all. USING RIAS GREMORY!!!! DRAGON SLAYER KING BLANCE BREAKER" I chant reverting to my normal transformation. But he does something else. "It morphed." Rias says. He transforms into what I did when I went against shalba. "Can I really do this?" I ask. 'You have to stay strong for her, (y/n).''I believe in you both, with all my heart.''Come back to us' I hear everyone's voices say. Loki then fires an attack at us but we dodge it. "What the hell can we do. Wait, Loki was able to take control of us because he found insecurities in both our hearts. That's it!" I say. "You've got a plan?" Rias asks me. "Yeah. I got a plan. To get super pissed off and unleash the flames of hell." I say.


Chisato produces a black flame in her hand. "What is this?" I ask. "Think of this as downloadable content for your sacred gear. This is the only divine product I could produce that could be consumed by you. You only get one shot to use it, but when you do, the flames of a dragon and a god will fuse and create something far superior." She explains. "Great, and I know who to use it on. Time to chow." I say.

Flashback end.

Loki then starts to charge up a breath attack and I move Rias behind me and start to create red dragon flames in my right hand and black divine black flames in my left. "Promise me. Promise me you'll stay the strong and regal woman you've always been. And if there's a weakness in you that's kept hidden from everyone, that doesn't matter! You'll never have to worry about that again! If it ever becomes too much for you to handle, ILL BE THERE TO PICK YOU BACK UP AS LONG AS IM STILL FLESH AND BLOOD!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! DRAGON AND DIVINE FLAMES!!!!! THEY COME TOGETHER TO BECOME ONE!!!!! DRAGON GOD BRILLIANT FLAME!!!!!!!! SAY GOODBYE LOKIIIIIII!!!!!" I yell throwing a colossal black and red flame at Loki. He launches his breath attack but it proves useless against my attack. I can soon see the dragon turn into a small human body and that body eradicated. "You ok?" I ask Rias. "Yes." She responds. Then the dimension starts to shake like an earthquake. "The field's dissipating." She says. We then travel through unknown places. "What the hells going on?" I ask. "We're being pulled into some kind of vortex. Between dimensions." The Dragon kings explain. "What's going to happen to us?" I ask. "Not a clue. We're not self aware encyclopedias you know." Metallicana says. "You don't have to be a dick at a time like this." I say. "Hush, both of you. Can't you sense his presence?" Igneels says. A portal then opens and I can barely breathe at what emerges. "Great Red. Bastard's massive!" I say. "Of course. He's the dragon of dragons." Rias says. "The Dragon of dreams. Another chance like this may not come along. We should follow his lead." Igneel says. "Ok." I say. Soon we are blinded by a light. After a while I open my eyes to see that we are at a beach where a bunch of falling stars are visible. Rias then opens her eyes. "Where are we?" She asks. "No clue. We were here before I realized it." I explain. "How strange." She says and then puts her gentle hand on my face. "Poor guy. Battered and bruised for me again. I'm so sorry." She says. "Hey come on these injuries are not that big a deal. As long as we're together, I can put up with a lot." I say smiling. She then stands up and walks over to the sea. The way the stars illuminate her hair is simply breathtaking. If I didn't know better I'd say she was a real life goddess. "What's up?" I ask. "I don't want you to myself or anything like that. I'm not the jealous type. At least, I never thought that was the case. But you're so close to Asia. And...the way the rest of the girls just throw themselves at you. I was so terrified of becoming an afterthought. But now you've shown me how you truly feel." She says and I stand up and walk over to her side and hold her hand. "I have a question for you." I say. "Yes?" She asks. "Have I ever say these five words to them?" I ask. "What words?" She asks.

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