Angel and a Child

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We are transported from the occult research club to a place that, if you look up the word 'ruins' it would show a picture of this place.

"Well this is the place he said they would be at."

"Right, the question is where is everyone?" Kiba asks.

"Yeah, and more importantly ARE YOU FREE TONIGHT?!?!?!" Issei ask boa Hancock

"Back off." She says kicking him.

"I can't sense anyone around, nor hear anyone besides us. Are you sure he's here?" I ask Phantom.

"Our Master is here." Someone says and we turn around immediately and there is a bright red humanoid dragon creature standing right there.

"Who the hell are you? I don't care I'm going to kick your ass!" I say.

"My name is Nuova shenron, proud second in command of the shadow dragons." He says.

"You're actually proud of this bullshit that he's doing?" I say gritting my teeth.

"I was against the idea of kidnapping, but what else can I do but obey. You know you should count yourself fortunate that I'm the one to defeat you all. There are five other commanders of the shadow dragons waiting around this world...and their demons." He says and phantom suddenly tenses up.

"He's right. Nuova And Syn are practically humane compared to the others crawling about."

"Hello Phantom, It's been a while 50 years more or less. I've heard Grand Zenos plan to remove Syn from the emperors and I think it's a bad idea. Seeing as how the true form of the shadow dragons hasn't even been shown." He says confusing us.

"I don't have time to deal with this crap, I have to save the girls." I say trying to make a break for it but he just appears in front of me.

"Too slow." He says punching me pushing me to a wall.

"Guess I got no choice. FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!! I say punching him in the face but he justs stands there.

"Pathetic." He says and suddenly I feel as if my hand is melting.

"AGGGHHHG SON OF A BITCH!!!" I say cooling me hand off.

"Every shadow dragon has their unique abilities, mine is be as hot as molten magma. Allow me demonstrate. Nova cannon." He says and shoots a fireball at me.

'Something tells me that I shouldn't eat it.' I think to myself and dodge the fireball.

"What happened I thought you could eat flames?" Kiba asks.

"Yeah, I can but take a look at where the fireball hit." I say and it left behind melted rock.

"If I ate flames of that temperature, my organs would be goo. We can't waste time on this guy. Let's go all out from the beginning. DRAGON SLAYER KING BALANCE BREAKER!!!!" I chant and transform into my dragon human form.

"WELSH DRAGON BALANCE BREAKER!!!" Issei chants and transforms into his scale mail and Kiba breaks out his holy devil sword.

"Let's go! Huh?" I say because whitebeard places his hand in front of me.

"Don't waste your time here. You'll just lose more time to save the girls." He says.

"Firstly, don't you dare put your damn hand in front of my face again. But you're right, and I have a feeling he's holding back." I say.

"What gave it away?"

"My hearing can tell if someone is going all out because their muscles would contact together to place more and more strength. Also a Nuova is to be as hot as an exploding star so when I attacked you the first time, if you were really that hot then my hand would have been turned to mush."

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