Even though Mahiru's tone of voice was playful and cheerful..

  ..Why was his eyes not full of the same happiness, about having only 25% of the happiness he used when he made that joke,almost making him look devoid of emotions..?

  Was Mahiru pretending,like him too..?

  Sleepy Ash only noticed this because he had been in the same predicament before,where he'd pretend and act 'normal',which was his usual laid-back self when he was breaking in the inside.

  But he always never smiled once when he pretended.

  If Mahiru was pretending,and that he was breaking in the inside while making that joke and laughing, Sleepy Ash would be astonished at how strong he was.

  Smiling while you were breaking in the inside was a feat that Sleepy Ash had never been able to achieve, even with his vampiric powers and such.

  Only the strongest of the strongest could do that, to smile and joke when you literally are weeping, crying and begging for someone to realise and see the actual broken you.

  If that was what Mahiru was actually doing,then..

  Sleepy Ash could easily conclude that Mahiru was stronger than him,like a tall high-rise building staring down at a small Barbie doll house that was used by girls.

But that was just a rhetorical assumption..


  One of the guys charged for Mahiru,and Sleepy Ash immediately became alarmed,as he hoisted himself down the ledge with his hand,but Hyde grabbed his hood before he fell completely.

  "What is it?!" He glared but whispered to Hyde, as his eyes kept darting towards Mahiru and then at Hyde, watching as the guy came closer to his..

  ..His Ex-Eve.

  Hyde 'tsked', not liking the attitude Sleepy Ash was giving him,but was secretly hoping that he won't actually explode just there and kill him,as he knew how strong the oldest of them was.

  He sighed while holding Sleepy Ash's azure hood that was preventing him from falling,"Nii-San, please, just trust your.."

  He gulped before continuing,"..Past-Eve with this, you've seen how strong he has become with that C3 Tsurugi when he kicked him around."

  "And this is a chance to see how strong he's become!" Mikuni chimed in,and this earned a glare from Sleepy Ash.

  But Sleepy Ash surrendered and sighed,as he reluctantly allowed Hyde to hoist him back to the roof.

  He immediately looked over the ledge with eyes filled with concern,but that concern suddenly changed to shock.

  When the guy was 30 centimetres to Mahiru, Mahiru secured his lollipop,not wanting to let it fall, and made a uppercut for the guy's jaw,earning him a cringe-worthy crack.

  The guy groaned and stumbled back,before regaining his composure and he darted for Mahiru again, when Mahiru kicked him in the shin,which made him grunt.

  Mahiru kicked him in his abdomen with his shoed-feet, making him stumble back again,before kicking him into the side,resulting in the guy landing into the wall,unconscious.

  The light-blue-haired guy just watched in admiration.

  And at the corner of Mikuni's eye,he saw Tsurugi and the others watching with amused eyes.

He gnashed his teeth at his past partner in the C3.

  He gnashed his teeth at him,but Tsurugi didn't seem to notice them,which was weird in itself but Mikuni just shrugged it off.

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