"Liam!" Samantha whined, but underneath I knew she was feeling relief that Liam felt well enough to tease us. Slow progress, but still progress.

"I'll call right away!" I laughed, knowing Niall had been a bit lonely with Samantha understandably spending so much time at the hospital.

"Sara, don't you- "

"Bye Liam, we'll see you tomorrow!" I said and hung up before Samantha could get a word in, then we immediately called Niall.

"She's going to kill you," Niall chuckled once I'd explained the conversation we'd just had. "And I'm going to have to help her hide the body."

"Not if you make sure she has lots of fun tonight."

"I'll do my best." Niall assured me.

"My life depends on it so no pressure." I teased, glad Niall was taking Samantha out of the hospital, even if it was kicking and screaming. She deserved some fun just as much as Harry and I did.

"Yeah, no pressure at all mate," Harry agreed. "She's just the mother of my child and love of my life. Very common qualities you can find in women these days."

I blushed at Harry's comment, ignoring the cheeky part of his statement, and grabbed his free hand to squeeze, mouthing, "I love you."

"Common indeed."

"You better hope I don't call your fiancé and tell her that or I will be the one helping her hide a body." I threatened.

"Alright, I've gotten the message." Niall chuckled, "But your right, I've been trying to bring her out for a while now. Maybe with Liam awake and able to tell her to bugger off, I'll be successful."

"I'm sure you will, Niall." Harry said, encouraged his friend. Niall ended the call shortly after we finished discussing what I thought Samantha might like to do tonight.

"You should take your own advice, love," Harry told he as we pulled into the garage of our home. "Have some fun tonight. I think we've earned that. And Liam seems out of the worst of it."

"You're right," I squeezed his hand which was still holding my own. "I just can't help but worry. Samantha hardly cares for herself unless forced to and Liam's recovery is very slow."

"It's still progress, my love." Harry mimicked what I'd said to comfort Samantha. He leaned over and gave me a warm peck on the cheek, knowing his use of pet names would make me feel a little bit better. I sighed and tried to take my own advice. I lifted our joined hands and placed a kiss on the back of his, sending him an appreciative smile.

"I am excited to be going out, just the two of us though. It's been a while since we've been on a date. But are you sure we should be going out? With that person the police warned us about..." I worried again.

"It's nothing to be concerned about," He finished for me. "Louis and Eleanor will take good care of Addison, we are in a gated residence, and the security system is here if anything should happen. But nothing will."

I blew out a sigh and nodded, telling myself Harry was right. I couldn't lock our family away in the fear that something might happen. I got out of the car and got Addison, who was fast asleep, out of her car seat in the back. I turned to back into the house when Harry stepped into my path and gathered me into his arms, which I relaxed into immediately. He smoothed my hair down and placed another kiss on top of my head, soothing me further.

"Please try to not worry too much tonight," He murmured.

"I'll try."


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