chapter 58

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[ i released 2 new book's called 'lucid dreaming' & 'tear drops'! they're both amazing books so you should go check them out and tell me what you think ]

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- 2 years later -

"good afternoon mrs. birlem" sasha, the front desk lady said, giving me a warm smile.

returning one i added a simple "good afternoon."

i headed down the hall way like usual and towards the baby blue colored room, "mommy!" kashius ran up to me once he spotted my presence.

"hi baby" i picked him up, kissing his cheek in the process.

"where's dada?" he furrowed his little brows as he noticed his father wasn't in sight.

"he's at work, and you know what? we're gonna surprise him" i smiled.

he clapped his little hands and got out of my grip, he grabbed his superman backpack and we said our goodbye's to his teacher.

"how was daycare today?" i asked while we walked out the little building, "it was good. i saw lizzy" he blushed.

lizzy is an adorable dirty blonde headed girl with green eyes, and cute little freckles which spread around her nose and cheeks ;

and kashius has had a little crush on her since the first day he placed eyes on her.

not only that, but, everyday when me and joey pick him up he always tells us how cute she dressed or just how beautiful she looked and it's honestly the cutest thing.

"oh kash" i laughed and closed the door, i got into the drivers seat and drove out the parking lot, heading straight for birlem enterprises.


"come on" i said and he hopped out the car, i locked it and grabbed his little hand. "mommy do you think dada misses me?" he asked out of the blue.

"of course! he was talking about you all day and how he misses your warm little hugs" i said truthfully, "oh, well i'm gonna give him a good hug when i see him then cause i really miss him" he grinned from ear to ear.

i opened the door's to the enterprises and walked in, i spotted joey at the front desk on his phone like usual.

kashius didn't hesitate to run up to him and hug him by wrapping his small arms around his dad's leg, "hey buddy" joey smiled and picked him up.

"hi dada, i missed you" kashius said, "you did! i missed you too my little man. i have a surprise for you" joey smirked.

kashius gasped and clapped his hands, "really?!what is it?" he asked, excitement filled his voice. "well it's not a surprise if i tell you now is it?"

kashius sighed, "your right". i walked up to them and joey turned to me, giving me a small peck on the lips.

"kash why don't you go to grandma's office for a bit" joey put kashius down, "ok" he shrugged and ran to jen's office.

"we gotta talk" he said seriously, giving his full focus to me.

"about what - oh is it about the packet for the mi - " he cut me off by saying, "an envelope showed up here today anonymously but it wasn't that anonymous for long."

"well what did it say? and who was it from?" i asked, feeling a bad vibe rush over me already.

"it read, have a surprise headed your way very very soon my beloved husband, lexi."

my heart dropped, "oh my god. oh my god. oh my god."

"y/n relax, she isn't gonna do anything ok. this is probably just some prank or something - " i cut him off.

"some prank?! joey, the last time something bad happened bc of her was when you were shot, almost killed. and now we receive this? you think this is a prank?!" i whisper yelled, catching a few stares.

"keep your voice down! i know you have regret coming here to california bc of the whole lexi thing and it sucks the police hasn't done shit to even try and look for her but i promise you i will do whatever it takes to keep this family safe, ok?" he cupped my cheeks in his hands, i nodded.


"i promise."


lexi +

"what's the plan?" asked chantel, walking into the kitchen where i was sitting on the island of the counter.

"they've already been here in california for what? 3 months already, which gives them time to not suspect anything besides the little note i delivered to my lovely handsome husband -"

"lexi! are you crazy?!" her eyes grew wide, i rolled my eyes.

"shut up and let me tell you the plan bc tonight is the night we kidnap the baby and they have to make they're decision wether or not the baby dies" i smirked.

"but what if they choose not to get the kid back? and are you actually gonna kill him" she asked, her voice shaky.

"of course not, i'm not that big of a monster" i jumped off the counter as she let out a sigh of relief, "who's gonna be the one kidnapping the kid?".

"you know, you ask a lot of questions" i walked up to her, "who's gonna be kidnapping the kid" she asked, again.

"me" i said and she nodded, "at 12 in the morning we head over there, so they should all be asleep by that time which gives us a better chance at getting the kid."

"but wouldn't they call the cops? bc last time i checked after we sent justin to rob the house he was killed by joey. he called the police and that house was surrounded from every perimeter by cops" she said

"they won't call the cops bc if they do, they'll never see the kid again."


i walked up the ladder and into the cars movie designed room, through the window. once i was fully in the room i peeked my head out the window and gave chantel the signal i was good.

my eyes wandered around the room, admiring it's adorable little features until my eyes landed on the light red colored crib where the little human in whom i'd be kidnapping tonight was laying.

i walked up to it and looked over it, seeing the same joey just in a smaller version sleeping peacefully. still the same cuteness,

[ ^ is it just me or did that sound a bit creepy jsjcjs ]

i slowly picked him up and laid him in my arms, it hurt me doing this, but why?

i'm evil, i'm the bad person. i shouldn't feel bad for doing this, i'm gonna be getting my husband back!

i laid the note in the crib and climbed out the window, awaiting for the special surprise i will be receiving in the near morning.

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and the mystery begin's !

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