chapter 14

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i yawned as i stretched, i slept so good.

i sat up and looked around, it was bright and sunny.

it was quiet and i could hear birds chirping outside.

remembering where i was, i was in mr. birlems bed.

it's still a little hard to start getting used to calling him joey.

i swinged my legs over the bed and stood up, i walked to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

i found a toothbrush- well a drawer full of new toothbrushes.

i brushed my teeth and washed my face, i turned off the light once i finished and walked out.

"hello?" i called out but it was quiet

"hello!" i called again but nothing

i looked through the rooms and i found one room that had a pink and blue wall

it had 2 seperate small bed and i smiled, it had pictures of joey and 2 kids, a girl and a boy on the walls.

they looked a lot like Sophia

i'm guessing that's michael and nicole

they have big green eyes, and brown silky hair

they're adorable

i walked out of the room and closed it

the next 2 were normal bedrooms like all the others, e

except this one room down the hall which was a black door

it was painted a glossy black color

it was so smooth and darn looking, i twisted the knob and opened it.

i looked around and the walls were a soft fabric red, it had a bed in the center back which had red sheets and pillows on it.

the floor was red carpet it had lots of drawers and all these stands.

i started to look around and realized what this was, it was like the 50 shades of grey playroom.

i opened a drawer and it had handcuffs and black ties

i picked up a pair of handcuffs and looked over them, they were shiny and neat.

i moved them downward to my face and i saw joey's face reflection in back of me

i flinched and quickly turned around,

"what the hell do you think you're doing in here" he gritted his teeth as he yanked the handcuffs out of my hands and put them away.

"i-i" stuttered not knowing what to say, alarmed at how fast everything happened.

he pulled me by my arm out of the room and turned off the lights and locked it,

"i was just looking for you" i was finally able to say, "you could've just called me " he said angrily

i know how disrespectful it was walking into that room especially in someone else's house, my boss's house to be exact.

"i'm sorry" i said and he scoffed,

"i made you breakfast, i left it on top of my bed if you want it" he said and went back downstairs

"where are you going" i asked

"i'm staying down here watching tv and try not to be so nosey" he said walking off

"i'm not nosey" i muttered, i walked into the room and ate the breakfast while watching a movie.


i was just sitting on the bed scrolling through the channels trying to find something good to watch.

joey had given me the weekend off of work for i don't know what reason,

it was currently 11:48pm and i was getting kind of sleepy but i wasn't sleepy enough to go to bed

i was still in joey's house, loren had texted me saying she was having her 'friend' harvey over so she said i shouldn't go back

i guess loren fucks the dude, lucky her.

i'm still my little virgin self, how fun.

[ heheh i ship larvey ]

joey then walked in all tired, he turned off the light and walked over to the bed crawling into the sheets next to me.

he on the other end had to go to work so i stayed all alone in the house but it wasn't that bad.

i was also tired so i turned off the tv and got comfortable,

"come here" i heard joey

"what do you want?" i asked annoyed

"last i checked your in my house, in my room and in my bed so come here" he said

i turned around facing him and he opened his arm out, i cuddled to his chest and he wrapped his arm around me.

i thought for a moment,

he's only my boss. he's only my boss. he's only my boss.

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