chapter 6

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i gulped and took a step back. loren kept walking with a smile and opened the door thinking i was behind her, when she looked back she gave me an annoyed expression.

she walked to me and grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door and inside, it was so neat and gorgeous but literally, and i mean literally!

had a bunch of blondes.

[ i don't have anything against blondes so don't get offended if your a blonde! ]

some gave me death glare's and some looked at me like 'what the fuck are you doing here' type of look. guess they're like that..

loren was still holding my hand and took me around and into where she would go, i think?

she sat down in her office chair that was behind her desk and got on her computer while i stood awkwardly at her door, waiting for what she has to tell me.

"in 2 minutes go to the 20th floor and down the hall straight ur gonna see 2 big doors to your right, that's where mr. birlem is" she said, i nodded pretending i understood a word she said.

"brrrrr brrrrr" her office phone rang. she looked at me and picked up the phone,

"morning boss, how can i help you?" she asked professionally. i closed the door softly and she put it on speaker,

"morning ms. gray, i was wondering if by any chance you've seen ms. y/n dallas down there. i have a meeting scheduled with her for 9:05" he said, he had a very raspy but also deep voice.

"she's actually here in my office at the moment, she'll be going up shortly" said loren

"thank you ms. gray."

"anytime boss." she ended the call.

i knew it was my time to go which made me even more anxious. i fixed my hair and grabbed my bag, while loren fixed my coat leaving it loosely hanging on my shoulders.

i walked out towards the elevator like how loren instructed and made my way inside the elevator once it opened.

i waited for what felt like a minute and the elevator doors opened,

their was a desk and then a hallway to the right, there was another blonde chick.

she had blue eyes , straight long blonde hair and wore a tight dark brown colored mid-length dress.

it disgusted me how slutty these girls dress.

she looked at me up and down and rolled her eyes, "and who are you?" she asked clearly showing no interest.

"i have a meeting scheduled with mrr. birlem at about right now" i said.

"name?" she asked, still typing away on her laptop, "y/n , y/n dallas" i said

she typed something in her laptop and then signaled me to go right, i looked and there were double doors.

i walked through then and then it was a pretty long but not too long of a hall way which held another set of double doors at the end.

i took a deep breath and walked straight down, next to the door's by the wall was a small sign

| mr. birlem's office |

i took another deep breath and sprayed like 5 pumps of mint juice in my mouth, i smelled my breath from my hand and i was good. better than good to be exact.

i knocked and i heard a voice behind me, it was loren.

"mr. birlem will see you now"

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