Thirty-third Cliché

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"What...why are you looking at me like that?" Mia scrunched her face, her lips tightened, not knowing what to do with her own face. The attention that she was given by the handsome male was unsettling. In addition to the fact that the attention was unwanted by Mia herself.

"You didn't actually come to me with this piece of paper, did you? That's...actually really cute." He had a wide grin that Mia take a step back away from him. It scared her that she was receiving such a sweet expression from him. That and the fact that she was reminded of her sleepless nights. It only made her shiver.

"It was what I could do in a short time, okay." She snaps at him. It was also at herself because it was harder to stop herself from needless thoughts.

"Alright. Number one, that's doable, but I can't promise you all Sundays. Classes are also fine. We are still in school. The other two...may be difficult."

"Why not?" Mia was actually surprised he was so willing to work with her on the set of ground rules she had come up with. She was kind of at a loss because she had a monologue prepared if he had given her trouble.

"First of all, you can't expect me to know what I am going to do in a week advance. And lastly, number four is ridiculous." Taehyung rolled his eyes as he explained it to Mia.

Taehyung stood up with ease and took a step with his long legs. He easily reached Mia, who took a step back slightly nervous at his sudden move. He combed his hair with his fingers before taking another step forward Mia, his eyes frozen on Mia's figure, specifically her mouth area.

"I won't be able to do this if the fourth rule is accepted will I?" He smiled as he grabbed her waist.

"Taehyung? Wh-what are you doing?" Mia stuttered. Her hands pushed against his strong chest but if didn't do anything for her except waste energy.

"You know..." Taehyung mumbled before he got even closer to her. "It's strange, but I really like how you say my name." His voice purred into her ears, as he got closer and closer to her.

Mia's eyes got wide as saucers as she felt warm lips against her own, moving and kneading into place. She gasped as she felt warm tongue in her mouth.

By the time that Mia realized that Taehyung had stuffed his tongue down her throat, it had been too late. Taehyung had felt her lips move with his and he had heard the moan that had escaped from her throat. He smiled as he felt he had won another round against Mia. Playing the game with her was truly fun.

Mia tried to push him away with her hands but she couldn't, his grip was too firm. She then tried to pound her fists against his wide back but that allowed Taehyung more room to near Mia's lips and neck. He was taking her breath away by not allowing her to breathe. Mia could not help but to grip his shirt tightly as he continued stealing oxygen from her. Somehow oxygen from her tested better, felt better for him to have in his lungs.

Taehyung molded his lips against her soft, almost innocent one. He could tell that Mia had never truly been kissed. Mark had either been incompetent or Mia had been innocent and naive in such areas. He wondered if it was the former more than the latter.

The knot forming in Taehyung's stomach was new and completely exciting for him. He had not known that a kiss could be so sensual. He had not known how easy it was to get to know someone through mouth to mouth.

Yes. Taehyung knew now.

Mia was more innocent than she had let on. Her mature body was awkward against his advances, just as her lips was extremely failing in catching up with him. He could tell that she was only learning or had yet to explore the pleasures of the body. He could tell by her soft moans that she let out accidentally.

And he was beyond excited.

He would have moved his hands to cup her round ass but he was stopped. He was interrupted at the most inopportune time.

Disappointed and annoyed, Taehyung pulled away to answer the buzzing cellphone.


Layla knew what Taehyung was thinking. She knew better than anyone. She also knew that he could not think about what he was going through now, because his consciousness couldn't process it. In honesty, Layla was not sure if it was because of his pride or trauma.

Taehyung had always been tricky, but now as an adult, he was harder than 20X20 Rubik's cube. Taehytung had some problems and it's true that life was full of problems and was not full of faisies, but Layla was an optimist.

She wanted a happy ending for herself.

And her long time friend, and ex, Taehyung? He also deserved a happy ending too.

Layla curiosity growing in her as her thoughts about Taehyung grew. She decided to just call the male about the current progress of their plan. His response when he picked up the phone was a scowl. Layla had not been able to see it since it was through the phone, but she could hear it clearly in his displeased voice.

She would have gotten snappy at the tone of his voice but when she overheard a female soprano voice, Layla instantly turned giddy. She changed her mind immediately as she got excited. In addition, the voice sounded very close, which meant that the female was very close to Taehyung and the mouthpiece.

"Who is that?" Layla sang as she got nervous. She so wanted to know. Her heart was pounding with excitement as glee filled her chest. She could hear Taehyung groan with annoyance and it only made Layla even happier.

"No one." He replied back shortly as if he did not want to talk to her, but that did not bother her because his answer answered all she wanted to know.

"Tell me how it's going." Layla demanded. She had been dying to know how it was going.

It's moving along, but it's going to come to a stop if you don't leave me alone." Taehyung snarled at Layla, but she only laughed it off.

"Hey, this is the first time I called you since weeks ago." Layla lifted her free hand to stare at her newly polished nails. They were glittered with pastel accents on top. "Don't be so snappy."

"Hey—Mia!" Taehyung groaned loudly before going back on the phone. Lay smiled knowingly and he spat out. "Layla, you have the worse timing ever."

"Why? Did I cockblock you?" Layla cooed into the phone to tease him further.

"Yeah you did." He growled into the phone but Layla only giggled at his response. "Now what do you want?"

"Well, it's about the party, that's coming up."

"Oh, what about it?" Taehyung said as he lazily and half listened to the girl who continued to chatter about the upcoming event.

In the end, Taehyung had agreed to do all that Layla wanted. It was her party after all.

Besides, Taehyung had nothing to lose by agreeing to what Layla wanted from him.

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