Fifteenth Cliché

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"Mark!" Mia waved her hand as she called out to him. It had been too long since she had seen him. She could not control her excitement.

Mia's smile was on her face and she was bright. She had even come on a day that she had no class, hoping to see Mark. Mia did though come because she had some work to do and seeing Mark would have been a plus.

That was her reasoning...

And what she had expected was for him to turn around but apparently he had not heard her because he went further away from her.


Taehyung watched as Mia had frantically waved her arms.

She was flailing about trying to get his attention but the boyfriend was just ignoring her. It was kind of amusing to see her jump up and down. Then of course there was the ego boost of seeing her dejected when her boyfriend, useless as he is, had done right by running away from her. The look that had adorned Mia Jung's face had been priceless.

Even though it had been good, it had not been cloud nine worthy. In fact, Taehyung could not ignore the slight annoyance he had for the Mia's boyfriend.

Causing Mia to frown in such manner was not right. It was unsightly for her.

He laughed mentally as his eyes considered her from the rooftop of the building.

Mark had glanced at Mia and had left promptly after her call. Taehyung could tell that he had heard and seen her. There was no way Mark had not heard when Mia had screamed his name while flailing her arms around.

If Taehyung had cared, he would have felt...bad for Mia.

He would have, if Mia had not pouted and stomped her legs before turning away to the direction toward the library.

Taehyung chuckled as she stomped her way. Turning away from the scenery down himself, he left the rooftop to arrive on the first floor. He could still see Mia's pastel blue sweater nearing the library.

Taehyung chuckled. He would do some charity by informing and throwing hints at Mia.

Mia deserved to know what was going on with her beloved boyfriend.







"Shut up!" Mia hissed at him as silently and viciously as she could. The student near their table shushed her nonetheless.

Taehyung for past hour had been bothering Mia at the library. Mia had an english paper to write and had decided to come to the library in order to get most of her research and readings done so she could start on her paper. She had already wrote an outline and all she needed was the research and evidence. Mia as she entered the library had been so determined and so motivated in completing her checklist that she had not noticed the mouse that had tagged along with her. Taehyung had enjoyed walking beside her and even though she had ignored him or had not noticed him, he was truly amused by Mia's nonchalant behavior.

Originally he had planned on bothering her for a bit before getting down to business but after seeing her be herself, he was thoroughly convinced to stay and observe.

Better to know the enemy well. It was the same for competitions.

Mia was quick in gathering her sources as she had already written the DDC of each book on her notebook and had scurried around gathering the books. And within twewnty minutes, she had snagged a whole empty table at the top floor where no one gathered, gathered her books, situated and laid her laptop, notebook, documents, homework and pens.

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