Listen to the whispering, Yao Yao chooses to ignore, hurried she dashing to inside of university.

"Hey, Luo Yao Yao."

Heard familiar voice, at sudden Yao Yao stopped her footstep, coldly looked over: "Feng Ke Xin?" ah, after the big brother came to give troublesome, now the sister also comes to give trouble? Actually what she owe to the Feng's family in her past life?

"You don't need to look at me with that eyesight, I called you, not to troublesome you." Feng Ke Xin is smiling in front of her.

"At the beginning I am curious, I have asked my brother regarding both of your relationship, I really never thought you are the heartless girlfriend of my second brother when he was in Japan."

"En?" what she said... 'you are'? Did Feng Chen Yi ever mention about her in front of his little sister?"

"Didn't both of you have break up 2 years ago?"


"O, no wonder, my father is keeping on calling my second brother to continue family business, no matter what he does not want, the result was two years ago suddenly he called home, took his initiatives to come back to China. It afraid his feeling was wounded." Feng Ke Xin is talking to herself, with curious expression asked: "Hey, both of you have been breaking up for two years, my second brother has many times went to Japan to look for you, why didn't you think to reconcile with him?"

What? What does Feng Ke Xin say? "After we broke up, both of us never met anymore, until not long ago when I back to China."

"Ah? Impossible! Our family does not have business in Japan, so that there is no reason for my second brother to go to Japan. But there was a time after both of you broke up, every week my brother would fly to Japan, he would back on Sunday night; and then company has many things to do, he later on less visit Japan. And also this half year he has stopped goes to Japan. If he went to Japan not for you, then for whom?"

Whether Feng Ke Xin said all these things by intention or not, but unintentionally it has been moving Yao Yao's heart.

Actually when they were breaking up that first half year, she has heard classmate said they met Feng Chen Yi in school entrance, but that time because she was so hurt, she shut all the news about Feng Chen Yi, and never asked.

But today, according to what Feng Ke Xin said, it seems that the rumour circling in her classmates were right.

Ha, it is so obvious after break up he showed ignorant attitudes, making her heart ache and then did something warm her heart, why must he be this bitter?

Enough! Enough! She really does not want to think about Feng Chen Yi, it is clearly she has gave up her feeling, should she flames it to start over again? She does not want like this, she just too exhausted.

"He is looking for Li Ruo Ting!" that's right! He must go there to see Li Ruo Ting!

"Cut it off, Li Ruo Ting? Not long ago, the Li's wanted to have business marriage with us, Feng's, they said wanted to marry the second Miss but the result my second brother had refused it. If he really has feeling for Li Ruo Ting, why must he refuse this marriage proposal? It is obvious marry the second Miss of Li's it can help my second brother to stronger his position." Said Feng Ke Xin with piercing laughed.

She thought by bringing up about Li Ruo Ting, Feng Ke Xin could stop but never thought it would talk to wider topic, which she does not know.

Pursed lips, she creased her forehead: "Feng Ke Xin, you say this thing must have purpose right?"

Feng Ke Xin dumbfounded, ha, this Luo Yao Yao is deserved to be called as genius, after all she is able to guess what inside her heart. "I am straightforward person, since you have found out, I won't make denial. That's right! I have purpose! Let me tell you honestly, I like Qi Lian sunbae!"

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