After listened to Han Li Shang spoke without any emotion, Gong Xiao Man creased her forehead, quickly she glared at him: "What do you mean by saying this? Do you want to tell me, there is no possibility between us? Or what?"

"You know by yourself is more than enough!"

"Ha, my heart knows very well is enough? Big uncle, you don't tell me, you especially brought me to here only to tell me this thing!"

After heard the question from Gong Xiao Man, Han Li Shang sink into silent.

At that time, Gong Xiao Man feels her heart as if pierce by something, it pains, she thought, perhaps this big uncle might have feeling toward her even little bit, at least he still showing panic expression when seeing her gets hurt, but now it seems, he just looking for right opportunity to let her know, between them are impossible?

"Han Li Shang! If you thought I am too young and bring off age as reason, well, I can prove to you, I am not little girl anymore, I am woman!" said Gong Xiao Man stands up; she doesn't care about her wounds, immediately she undressed herself.

When she is half undressing herself, at sudden Han Li Shang stands up... "Enough!" his face is freezes pair of his hand is stopped her and pressed her down to bed. "There is no use to prove something like this toward me? Are you such cheap?"


He MF thought that she really acts like this to every man? He MF really thought that Gong Xiao Man such slutty?

Most of people said, woman pursuing man is alike layer of yarn (easy), but now for Gong Xiao Man female pursuing male isn't such easy? Perhaps, because facing this big uncle, facing this person who won't burn with passion flame of human world, this man will be this difficult?

There is losing in her eyes when looking at Han Li Shang pair of cold eyes, ha, lot of people say men are kind of creature who think with their lower part? How could when she is approaching Han Li Shang in half naked, but she doesn't see anything except cold pair of his eyes? Why doesn't she see that ** in his eyes, does she not have any charm? Or this man's heart doesn't even moved by her, tempted by her?

"Hey, Big Uncle, you really think I like you? I just want to prove to you that I am not a little girl, that's all. Remember, don't be so easy to take age as excuse, in my eyes you are a man. I hope you to see me in your eyes as a woman because I am a woman and not so whatever little girl!" Gong Xiao Man spoke coldly, her eyes sweeping and measure him: "Do you think this position pressing me is okay? People who don't know will think you want to rape me!"

Han Li Shang also realized pressing her in this way quite odd, hurried he takes away his hand that pressed Gong Xiao Man's hand, slowly he sits in the bedside.

"Dressed yourself first."

"S...." suddenly Gong Xiao Man gasped.

Han Li Shang turned his back: "Are you okay?"

"What okay, just now you are pressing at my wounds."

He is helplessly frowning, slowly raises her wrist looked at the wounds in her arm. Suddenly he feels something off, his eyes are glancing at her body which only wear bra: "Dressed first." His speaking tone is gradually softer.

"You hold my hand, how can I dress."

Helplessly, Han Li Shang loosens up her hand, looking at the time...

"It has already be so late, If you want to back to school then back to school, if you want stay here, just stay here, I take my leave first."

Han Li Shang is going to leave, Gong Xiao Man unhappily rolled her eyes: "Big Uncle, can you have a common sense, do you know if burning wounds can cause fever at night, so you want to leave me without anyone to take care of me?"

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