Chapter 37: Home Adventure

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The rest of the trip back home was as peaceful as I hoped it would be. No pirates, no mutiny, no mermaids or lost girls. I was actually able to relax during the sail after I finished working around the ship. I was more than happy when Cinder announced that he saw land ahead.

The pier was busy but room was quickly made for us as the ship approached. We safely pulled into the harbor and waited for workers down on the docks to secure us. I began to pack my things from my cabin and sighed.

This was finally it. The moment of truth. A part of me was relieved to finally be back home. The other part was disappointed that my adventure was ending. I placed my satchel over my shoulder and left to round up the princes. I wondered if they were nervous. I know I would be.

"Everyone good to go?" I shouted. The princes nodded, their possessions balanced on their shoulders. I began to lead everyone down onto the docks. Many sailors and workers greeted me and welcomed me back home. I told them that there were some pirates on board and to make sure they face punishment.

"This kingdom seems really friendly." Jasem commented.

I nodded. "Yeah, everyone around here is pretty friendly as long as you don't piss off anyone. We are an armor and weapons kingdom afterall." I half-joked. "It's always busy but it doesn't stop anyone from taking a few seconds to say hi."

"Rion! You're back!" A couple of kids ran up to me and hugged my legs. "Where did you go? What did you do? Did you have an epic battle? Who are these people that are with you?"

I raised my leg to lift one of the kids in the air. They giggled and chanted for me to lift them higher. "I went on a grand adventure with my new friends. We did a lot of stuff that I will tell you at some other time. Right now I gotta get back to the castle."

They let go and ran off to play somewhere. All of the kids in the kingdom will probably find me later and ask for some stories. That's what usually happened whenever I returned from a trip. This time was no different. 

It didn't take long for everyone to find out that I have returned. Swarms of people were lining the streets to welcome me back home. They shouted at me to stop by their businesses, invite me to parties and comment on the handsome princes I have brought for Princess Ava.

We managed to walk past everyone and end up at the castle. A couple of guards came up to escort us where the king was. I noticed that there were banners and decorations all over the floors, waiting to be hung up. They were probably for the upcoming royal wedding.

The huge doors leading into the throne room were swung open and the king stood up from his chair with glee. "Orion! You are back just in time!"

He strolled up to me and planted a kiss on my cheek. I smiled at him and nodded. "Of course. This was my quest and I made sure to see through it. I hope that this selection satisfies the princess."

The king looked over the princes. He smirked. "Fine, young men. A lot of them remind me of myself when I was younger. I do believe that Princess Ava will find someone she likes from this bunch. I will summon her immediately."

He walked over to a guard to have him fetch Ava. I took a deep breathe and guided the princes to stand in a horizontal line. Princess Ava stepped into the room in a bright blue dress and tight curls. It looks like she thought she could doll herself up before meeting the boys.

I stood to the side and bowed. "Princess Ava, as requested, these are the princes I have met and escorted back here."

She scanned over the first prince in line. He brought her hand up to his lips and gave it a small peck. "Prince Cinder from the Tremaine Kingdom."

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