Chapter 9: Sailing Adventure

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The air smelled of salt and I felt a cool mist blowing onto me. It's been forever since I sailed. I used to sail with people I've met along my journeys and with my father. But unfortunately, everyone must depart sometime. I steadily steered the ship while the boys were exploring. Even though it was a fairly small ship, I built everyone reasonably sized rooms.

"Rion! This work is amazing! I can't believe you built this yourself!" Blaise praised me as he ran his hand along the smooth wood. "You never fail to surprise me. I like that about you."

I couldn't quite hear his last words because a heavy breeze rushed towards me, drowning out any other noise. "I'm sorry, what did you say, Blaise?"

He turned the other way. "Nothing! Bye!"

I shrugged as he went back to his quarters. "And you didn't use magic to assist you." A voice whispered from behind me. I jumped and prepared to pull out my sword. I sighed in relief when it was just Snowen.

"It's incredibly rude to pull a sword on people when they just want to start a conversation." He humphed and crossed his arms. "Anyways, tell me everything about the next prince. And when I say everything, I mean, everything."

"First off, it's a force of habit and you scared me. Second off, why do you want to know about the next stop on my quest?"

"Of course the more knowledge I receive, the more likely I would be able to determine his weaknesses and use them against him if he falls for you." he explained casually. I raised my brow as he continued. "Don't forget that I'm the only one you can be with. You are mine and no one else can have you."

I smirked. "Is that so? I wasn't aware of this until just now actually. Already getting jealous over someone we haven't even met yet too. And you call me the rude one."

Snowen scowled at my teasing and stomped away. He acted like a composed man, but then he'll turn around and pout like a little kid. I found it amusing.

"What was that all about?" Cinder questioned, standing beside me. I noticed that he was freshly shaven and wore different clothes than this morning.

I shrugged. "Snowen is just being Snowen. How do you like being out at sea?"

He leaned against the railing. "I've sailed once when I was young, but I don't have much memory of it. In a way, this is my first time sailing. The ship is beautiful and you put a lot of thought in building our rooms. I love it."

I pulled out my map and compass from my bag that was slung over my shoulder. "I'm glad to hear that. I've sketched plans and know how to build one, but this was the first time I tested my skills." I explained as I turned the wheel so that the arrow on my compass pointed south.

Another gust of wind blew violently, making the map fly out of my grasp. "Shit!" I began to reach out and chase it. The map blew past the railing, but Cinder was just in arms reach to grab it. I couldn't stop my momentum and crashed into his chest.

I looked up at him who was already staring down at me. I backed away a couple of steps. "Sorry about that. Thanks for catching the map for me, Cinder."

He handed me my map and scratched the back of his head. "No problem. I'll see you later." Cinder began to awkwardly walk away. I was worried that I may have injured him when I crashed into him, but I decided that he is probably okay.

I went on sailing the ship while the boys helped on deck or stayed in their rooms or whatever boys do. It was getting later into the evening and I felt my self starting to get hungry. My stomach grumbled and I sighed.

The princes probably made food in the kitchen. I then noticed Blaise walking towards me with a bowl in his hand. "You should take a break. I can steer the ship while you eat. I can also take a shift while you nap."

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