Vampire Zane x Reader ~ Part Four

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Date Made; April 12th, 2018

Date Finished; April 26th, 2018

Requested by- 360tomboy




Sobbing on the guest bed, your phone rings again for the twentieth time that night; all with the same caller ID.

Zane was persistent, and it broke your heart that he was trying so hard. But you needed a break. It was too much. What Garroth says just continues to ring through your head, and it hasn't stopped yet.

Your phone lights up again, and you nearly scream out in frustration. Caving, you answer the phone and press it to your ear.


"Oh my Irene, (Y/n)? Are you alright? You weren't at the apartment when I got back -"

"Zane, I need space." You say, his rambling comes to a stop.

"It's because of what Garroth said, right? The damn idiot. I was going to ask you first. I wasn't just going to outright- (Y/n), I love you."

"Zane, we need a break."

Its silent for a moment, and you think he's hung up, when there's actually a quiet sob on the other end, your heart breaks in two as you squeeze your eyes shut from the sound, "I can't lose you to this. I'm sorry (Y/n). Just... promise me you'll come back. I'll give you all the time you need but- come back."

"I- Zane I-I don't know if I can promise that." You manage to stutter out.

"Please." He whispers.

"I... promise."

"Thank you." He says, he's still whispering, and sounds like he's trying to keep himself from sobbing, "I'll- call or text me when you're ready. Bye."

He hangs up the phone, and you feel yourself go empty, he sounded so broken that you almost feel broken yourself from it. He's normally always by your side that you feel so bad doing this to him.

But you need the time. You remind yourself, And he understands that.

Dropping the phone down next to you, it bounces on the bed before it falls onto the ground. Your heart feels like it's being squeezed tightly, squeezing your eyes shut and clenching your teeth isn't doing anything to relieve the pain.

The door swings open and you look up to see your mother, her frown is deep as she fast walks over and pulls you into her arms, "You'll be alright. You're going to be just fine."

"Mom- I.... I can't -"

"Deep breaths, you got this. You two can look past this." She says, stroking your hair, sobs get stuck in your throat.

But what if you two don't look past it. You say that you will now, but if you two ever end up getting back together?

"Mom," You choke out, your brain not even controlling your actions at this point, "How do you feel about vampires."

She's still rocking you, like she expected a question like this, or she's never phased by anything like this nowadays. The odd questions, reactions, the protection you now throw over your half-boyfriend.

"As long as they don't hurt me, I don't hurt them." She murmurs into your hair, "Why? Is there something else you want to tell me?"

"Mom, promise me you won't tell." You cry, pulling on her arm like a desperate kid trying to get something from their mother. Your eyes are locked on hers, and they soften, seeing you all broken and vulnerable in her arms.

"I promise. I promise to Irene." She promises, that's something you can rely on. She's extremely careful when she promises, and now that's she's promised to Irene, its like an oath.

"Zane's a vampire." You blurt instantly, she doesn't stop rocking you, "And- and his entire family is too -"

"You two- are you actually fighting?" Your mother cuts you off, you nod.

"We- in a sense -are. His brothers came over today and Garroth started saying stuff -" You're cut off again.

"What sort of stuff? Honey, I'm going to need the details." She says.

"Garroth started telling Zane to tell me already. And I didn't know what he was talking about until Zane told me to go and relax after I started to feel sick. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but they were yelling so loudly..." Trailing off, sobs start to shake through your body again, you wipe away the tears quickly, "Garroth asked Zane when he was going to tell me that he was gonna turn me."

This- this is when she stops rocking you, she's shaking herself, maybe out of fear, maybe out of anger, "What?"

"We had talked about it mom, already. I had asked him about it- so it didn't come as a total surprise." You clear it up as much as you can, and it seems she calms down.

"Do you love him?" She asks.

"Yes." You whisper.

"Do you trust him? Do you want him to turn you?"

"I- "

"Do you trust him?" She repeats.

"Yes." You choke out, she hugs you tightly, "And-"

You jaw is shaking, you know the answer you want to say. Its yes. You do want him to turn you. You love him so infatuated with him that you'd probably walk to the ends of the earth with him.

I'm starting to sound like some old cliche girl. You chastise yourself.

"Yes." You finish, she nods her head, which is placed next to yours. Then, she gets up and stands in front of you, grabbing your hands and making sure your eyes are met with hers before saying;

"Then don't doubt him. That's what I did with your father, I trusted him, and he took me places I didn't even imagine of going to. If you love him, be wary, but don't be scared." She says, then pauses to think for a moment, "Take your time, but call him back soon. Go back to him before he thinks he's lost you. I can tell he loves you, and wouldn't do anything to purposely hurt you."

"Thank you." You whisper, she nods, dropping your hands and instead coming over to kiss your forehead.

"I love you." She says, hugging you.

"I love you too, mom."


Was it good?

Do you want another part?


anyways yes, I will see you in four days



~ Quinn

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