Zane x Sporty Reader

776 12 3

Requested byyyyy: WalkingFreak3


Well for starters you play softball

Obviously takes place in PDH, we could go with Season 2, but I haven't watched season 2 fully yet


You swing the bat in your hand, squinting at the pitcher.

The guy sighs, he must hate PE because he doesn't even try when he throws the ball.

Doesn't keep you from getting a home run.

First base.

Your hand touches the ground as you slide, pushing yourself up quickly to move onto next base.

Second base.

The girl that was suppose to be standing there, was actually on the base. She obviously didn't know how to play.

Needless to say, you slammed into her and she fell over. You continued on your journey.

Third base.

Your teammates were cheering by now, a smile was on your face. With one glance behind you, you see the kid running towards you guys with the ball. Damn, you hit it hard.


Your teammates erupt into cheering, you place your hand over your chest. Steady breathing now, is the key.

In the background, you can hear the poor guy on the other team getting scolded for taking so long.

"Hey!" You call, they turn to you and you shrug, "Its just a game. Plus, I play softball. No way you can beat me anyways."

Turning back to your teammates, you see Zane going next. He looks quite nervous.

"Need help with the bat?" You ask, he glares up at you.


"I, think you're lying. Grip the bat tightly and try to make the ball hit the top of the bat. Then you're home game."

His face turns a bit red, but he mumbles out a "Thanks."

The other team looks ready now, you cross you arms, smiling.

"Why do you look so confident?" Your teammate asks you, "He's the only person in this class that doesn't try."

"Because I believe he can do it." You say, turning to your classmate, "Plus, if you're not good, you can get better."

You turn back to the scene in front of you, just in time as Zane swings the bat.

"Oh my Irene. He did it!" Someone yells from behind you, Zane drops the bat and runs.

"Stop at second!" You yell, gripping the fence.

He follows your directions and stops, just at the ball is passed to the kid on the base.

"Safe!" You call before the PE teacher. He nods in agreement.

Another kid goes up, and you quickly give them pointers.

"Oh please, this has to work." You chime hopefully.

The ball gets thrown again, and this time it's not hit as well, but it gives Zane a chance.

"Run!" You yell, the second his foot hits third base, you look to see the other team prepared this time.

He's a couple of feet away from the base, when he notices that he's not going to make it.

He slides, and you cringe, but his foot hit the base first.

"Zane! You did it!"

The bell rings for class to be over, and your entire team is happy, the other one though, not so much. They send you and Zane glares.

Jogging up to Zane, he's a bit taller than you, but you still grab a hold of his cheeks and kiss him. When you pull away, his face turns red.

You face beats up after you realize what you did.

A second later, he chuckles, and grabs your hand.

"What -"

"I knew I was irresistible." He chuckles, you smile slowly.

You swing your hands, and then take in a deep breath of air, and ask, "Will you be my boyfriend?"

It takes him a second to answer but he says, "Yes."




I guess I updated this pretty quickly 😂


and Idfk when the Christmas one is coming out (watch it be like right after this ;-;)


I'll see you NEXT PART

~ Quinn

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