Zane x Reader ~ Breaking Up

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(B/n) ~ Brother name

It was complete hell, you had to ask him over and over and over why he was doing this to you, you did nothing. He just all of a sudden woke up and decided it wasn't going to work.

" Three years Zane. You're throwing away three years of work." You say.

He just stares at you " (Y/n), it wasn't working from the start."

" I don't know why you think that Zane. Its been working perfectly fine." You say.

You reach out to touch him and he takes a step back, shaking his head.

" You don't get it (Y/n), I don't want to be with you anymore." He says.

That hit you hard, you couldn't help but  whine a tiny bit as a tear fell.

Why has he done this? He's hit you with so sudden news it's breaking you, tearing you apart on the inside. How long will you be broken after this? Is this how love feels like?

Why had he done this today? Why is he doing this? Why?

" I don't understand." You say, wiping the tears away " I just don't understand."

" It's simple, I don't want to be with you anymore." He says.

" But why?! What did I do to deserve this?!" You ask.

" I don't like you anymore." He says.

" What could I do to fix that?" You ask " Do I need to cake my face in makeup? Act more girly? Do I need to sit back on loving you so much? Do I need to - what do I need to do to fix it?!"

" I don't like you anymore, there is absolutely no way you can fix it." He says.

" You found someone new then?" You ask.

" Yes." He says.

" You're telling me I can never be like her?" You say.

You stand there and then turn around, walking to your room to grab your phone.

You scroll through your contacts until it lands on your brother, automatically assuming it won't be you staying here.

You press the call button and while it's ringing, you take the time to calm yourself down.

You press it to your ear as you start grabbing your stuff.

I don't like you anymore.

It wasn't working from the start.

Why hadn't he told you this when it was coming to him?

" Hello?" You hear.

Your brother will bring you happiness and sanctuary, he'll protect you.

" He's broken up with me (B/n)." You say.

" Who? Zane?" He asks.

" Mmhmm." You hum.

You try to hold back the crying that's so desperately making their way.

" (Y/n), don't cry, you'll find someone better." He says.

You try to stop, but then you hear the door swing open, you throw the clothes you had in your hands in the suitcase and you look at Zane.

" What?" You ask.

" You're already packing?" He asks.

" You thought I was staying?" You ask " I'm leaving, why would I stay?"

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