Zane x Pregnant Reader ~ Part Two

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People actually liked the last part and I'm like ;-; in a happy way, PEOPLE ACTUALLY LIKED IT. So yee, enjoy!

(Oh, btw I'm writing this after the Bullying, but I had this ready before the bullying)

The months flew by, once he knew, it went by quickly, the burden was probably holding you down.

So now here you are, in the hospital room, Zane's hand in your.

You were grumpy, but not entirely, but kinda.

Zane was pale though, paler than normal anyways, he wasn't breathing heavily or anything, but he was not prepared for this.

" Zane~." You purr.

" Yea (Y/n)?" He asks.

" Calm down," You say, giving his hand a squeeze " Its alright. Your not the one having the baby anyways."

You laugh lightly and he just stares at you.

" Don't you know the things that could happen?" He asks.

" So that's what you've been thinking about?" You ask.

He nods slowly " I don't wanna lose you."

" It's okay." You tell him.

His smile comes slowly.

You reach over and poke his cheek.

He chuckles a bit, and then you feel the pain.

You groan and he's worried all over again.

" What's wrong?" He asks.

" Ow." You say.

You move around, get comfortable again and then your water breaks.

" Baby's coming." You say.

He gets up to press the nurse button, she come into the room fast enough.

" Hmm? What's the matter?"

" The baby is coming." You groan.

She smiles " I'll get the doctor."

She's then off and Zane sits next to you again.

He takes your hand again and you can see him sweating.

" If you can't handle it Zane, feel free to leave."

He shakes his head " No."

You laugh a bit and soon enough, the doctor comes in.

He sets everything up, soon enough your own mom comes to be there.

" Oh? So this is Zane! Oh how cute! He's sweating!"

Zane's face then goes to a dark red and you laugh lightly.

" Mom stop, he's worried."

" There's no need to be." She says, patting the top of his head.

You roll your eyes.

She takes a seat on the other side of the bed.

The doctor hooks you up the medicine.

(Me: what's a word? Hmmmm, antibiotics? Nah. Pain medication? Nope. Medicine.

That was literally the process of elimination I did. God damn)

Soon enough, they start telling you to push and such. Your mom was smiling, knowing she was a grandparent any second now.

Zane on the other hand, had your hand, he was calm enough, but you still could tell he was worried.

When the baby came out, Zane breathed out and pulled down his mask to kiss you.

(Guys omg I'm on the bus trying to type this without anyone seeing, it's so bad ;-;)

" Zane, I told you nothing would happen." You say while holding the new baby....

Drumroll please!

Girl! Lmao please tell me you didn't actually drumroll.

She had your eyes so far.

You let Zane hold her next and then your mother held her.

Your mother kept pointing out the features she had from the two of you.

(When your bus driver goes a different way and gives you a heart attack)

~Time Skip Brought To You By The Hospital Because Insurance~

It's been a few months, (D/n) is cute as ever though, she had Zane's hair.

Zane's sleeping schedule was completely messed up, but many times you helped to fix it.

Zane had to stop taking the day shift for his job and switched to the night.

You stayed up all day to take care of her, well not all day, you got sleep as soon as you could.

So here you are, cradling (D/n).

Zane would be home any minute and you decided you could just stay up and wait.

(D/n) was asleep, your opinion on her was that she was cute, Zane's features. Zane thought she was cute because she looked more like you.

The door suddenly opens, scaring you half to death.

" Zane, you scared me." You say, looking behind you.

(Okay guys I'm torn here, either make it Zane or a very dramatic scene, though, if I go dramatic, I would end it here and go for a new part, that all depends on you guys though. So.... actually, let's do a vote, cause you guys responded pretty well to the part two thing. Either we can make it dramatic for the next part or it can be Zane, go! Vote in the comments!)

Muahaha okay, that's it, hope you enjoyed and have a great day and until next time ~ Quinn

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