Zane x Different Country Reader

464 9 0

Requested byyyyyyy: Moon_Wolf_129

Sorry it took so long, I had so much stuff in between

Anyways, enjoy!


Biting your lip and rolling it between your teeth, you rock on your heels.

A new neighborhood couldn't be so bad. I mean, you've moved before. 

Okay, you've moved before, but it wasn't to an entire new country. You'd moved around in (country) for a while before deciding that it wasn't as exciting. So, you moved to (New Country) to get the new feel of excitement again.

Maybe you went over the top this time. Because, you can't seem to feel your heart beating anymore. Its either so quick that you can't feel it, or you're literally dead inside.

Which, that wouldn't be much of a shocker... you've been dead inside for a while now if you are. Only because you just left everyone behind in (Home country). They probably miss you... do you think you can move back now? Will they help you move back?

Deep breaths (Y/n). You're fine. You're just putting it over the top again. Its not like its your last day on Earth. Take the thoughts slower and stop making them so dramatic.

"Hey." A voice says from behind you, your eyes widen and you manage to jump about three feet into the air.

Turning around, you're met with a blonde guy with cream colored skin and light blue eyes. He smiles, seeing that he's scared you. This, shows off his white teeth. Damn, does he look good.

But honestly, not as good as the guy behind him. The guy behind him, has black hair that falls over his right eye, pale skin and one light blue eye. He wears a black sweatshirt that has different shades of gray mixed in. He's literally screaming emo and that's your type of person.

"Hi..." You trail off, your (accENT) accent settling in. You cringe slightly, the blonde one smiles.

"You're the new neighbor, aren't you?" He asks, you can hear a hint of a British accent settling in his voice. 

"Yes." You say, nodding, you turn to look back at your house, damn, it seems a lot bigger in person than it does in picture.

"You need help moving things in? My brother and I live next door and we heard the moving truck." Says the blonde one, you turn back to him, a bit confused.

"I don't even know your name." You laugh lightly, his face turns a light shade of red, his brother rolls his one visible eye.

"I'm Zane, that's Garroth." Zane says, shaking his head. His cheeks go up a bit, you assume he's smiling.

"(Y/n)." You say, offering your hand, Zane is the first to take it. You two shake firmly before Garroth takes your hand, it isn't as firm. For a big guy like him, you'd think his grip would be strong. But its as weak as a marshmallow, "I guess you can help me. That's if you guys honestly want to. I've moved plenty of times before this, so you don't necessarily have to."

"Nonsense." Garroth says, a smile coming over his face once again, "We'll help you. Won't we, baby brother?"

Zane's face reddens a tiny bit, but he nods, following Garroth to the moving truck. Zane seems to scold him for a moment before they open the back of the truck.

Sighing, you jog to catch up with them, making a mental note in your mind to get Zane's number by the end of all of this.

Getting on the back of the truck, you start pushing boxes front the front of the truck, to the back. Then you hop down and walk to your front door, unlocking it and pushing it open.

You're met with a grand living room, the smell of a new house, polished dark wood floors, and light streaming in from various windows placed strategically around the house.

"Nice place." Garroth says, he has one of the boxes. He places it where the living room would be. It doesn't bother you, at this point, you just need to get it all in, you'll worry about organizing it all later.

"Thanks..." You trail off, turning to Zane instead, he has his scarf pulled down, so you can see his lips pressed in a tight line.

Garroth walks out of the house again, and you go over to Zane to start conversation with him instead.











~ Quinn

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