Alternate Ending? Breaking Up

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Requested By: KuudereCat

Someone wanted a breaking up chapter


I can't do that after all the damage that I did

So I will do an alternate ending, this takes place after Part 1


~  A few weeks later  ~

You sweep a strand of hair behind your ear, tapping your fingers against the table quietly.

Your phone buzzes, you look over to see the text.

12:30 pm

(???)> I'm going to be late. Stupid traffic.

(???)> Sorry.

It's fine, don't worry about it. I got myself (fav drink). I'm content for now. <(You)

(???)> Okay, once again I'm sorry. I'll see you in thirty.

You sigh, stretching and then turning to your gray laptop. You start typing up ideas.

Taking a sip of (fav drink), you think of the theme again.

Katelyn was going to do another play. And she was hoping it wouldn't go as bad as it did last time. You said you'd help as much as possible.

As for the person coming, they were suppose to show up at the café and help you think of ideas. So far, he's been late.

Doesn't matter that much, you've nearly come up with fifteen ideas already. Plus you have what would go on in mind too.

Katelyn chose the right person to ask. That's for sure.

As you take another sip of (fav drink) you stop and look back at your work. Seems great.

When you look out the window, you try to see if he's maybe here early. Not thirty minutes late. No sign of him though.

Deciding to sketch, you pull the sketchbook in front of you, starting to design costumes for each idea.

Yes, that was hell and you did put yourself through it.

Too late to go back now, right?

Anyways, you continue sipping your drink while sketching, adding some new designs, scratching out others and then doing it all over again.

" Does this look good? I don't think so... if only I could add something riighhtt..." Your idea comes to you quickly.

" Something like Romeo and Juliet! Although we can modernize Juliet and Romeo, but make it in the same era. We just won't have the scratchy costumes. After that we can give Juliet a necklace and... Yes! Victory is mine!" You say happily.

As you scribble down your notes, you smile contently. Going to take a sip from your drink, you realize your out.

" Damn, I'm gonna have to buy another." You mutter quietly.

" Here, let me pay for it." He says.

You look up to see Zane, he finally made it to the cafe shop.

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