(Very) Sad x Reader

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(Like I put each time there's one of these, I don't like suicide, who would? Which therefore means, I love anyone who's depressed and I'm here for them, please come talk to me)

Laughter flowed out of you like water from a water bottle.

Your boyfriend, Zane, who usually holds back on his laughter, wasn't holding back now.

You'd just accidentally walked into a pole while you weren't paying attention, and he'd purposely let you walk into it. Needless to say, it was embarrassing.

"I can't believe you let me do that." You breathe, fanning yourself, before bursting out laughing again.

He joins in, and you wrap your fingers around his, swinging your hands.

"You're an idiot."

"I know." You laugh, it slowly dies down from there.

You both stop at the corner of the road, Zane turns to look behind you guys. Probably at a display case, while the walk sign turns white.

Looking to your left, all the cars seem to become to a stop. You slowly let go of Zane's hand as you start walking.

"We can walk now, Cupcake." You say, turning to look behind you, he turns and smiles.

Turning back to the road, you continue walking.

A loud gasp comes from behind you, followed by a, "(Y/n) -!"

A shove comes from behind you, and you trip and fall. Turning to look behind you, tears already form in your eyes.

"No!" You scream, pushing yourself up and running to the wreckage.

Tears run down your face, as you make it over to Zane.

A car, hadn't stopped, or the driver hadn't seen you. Either way, Zane jumped in to push you away.

"Zane- oh Irene." You sob, the driver of the car comes out, and he's on the phone with an ambulance.

Zane was bent in a weird way, but he wasn't breathing. Biting your lip again, this time it breaks through your skin.

"Cupcake?" You ask again your voice breaking, hoping that he's breathing.

He doesn't respond at all, and you cry out, grabbing his body and pulling him close. No hint of pain across his face, not even a wince.

"Zane... I-I love you." You cry, placing your forehead onto his.

Sirens start to get louder the closer they come. You rock you dead fiancé.

No. No. No.

It wasn't suppose to end this way for you.

-•- Months Later -•-

Sitting on the couch, you stare blankly into the tv. Flashbacks of... that day, continues to haunt you.

Something solid hits another thing, on the tv. You flinch, snapping into reality.

You reach for the remote, turning off the tv, and then throwing it at the tv.

Closing your eyes for a moment, the tears flood from your eyes. Pushing yourself up, you start towards the bathroom.

Today's the day.

I'm doing it now.

I can't stand it any longer.

As you stumble into the bathroom, your fingers enclose on a paper and pen.

You scribble your final words on it, and then drop it in the sink.

Opening the mirror/cabinet, you grab the sleeping pills bottle, twisting it open.

Tilting it back, you dump it into your mouth. Swallowing every last one.

Falling onto the floor, you grab your phone, opening up a picture of Zane. Your lips quiver at the sight of him. Closing your eyes, you pull your phone to your chest. You sit there for a few moments before whispering, "I love you, Zane."


Garroth holds the grocery bags as he walks up to what use to be yours and Zane's house.

It'd hit him just as hard, but it seemed like you were suffering more because you were there. And you truly believed it was your fault.

He unlocks the door and comes inside, all the lights are off. Except one light that's on in the hallway.

"(Y/n), I have your groceries." Garroth calls out, he puts them on the counter.

He stands there for a second, because you normally answer right away, and try to hug him.

When he still gets no answer, he starts to walk around, trying to find you.

"(Y/n)?" He calls out again, walking down the hallway.

A pang of hurt hits his chest. He can feel what he's about to see.

"Oh please, Edmund." He whispers, before pushing the door open all the way.

He places a hand over his mouth, tears coming to his own eyes as he sees the empty pill bottle, and your body.

The paper, which still lays in the sink, and is stained with few droplets, catches his eye. He walks over to it, looking down at it.

I'm coming for you Zane. Wait for me.




Okay okay

But actually I L O V E all of Y O U

If you need someone to talk to, I'm always here

Anyways, I hope you liked it

Later, Losers ✌️ 😘

~ Quinn

Zane x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now