Cheating Zane x Reader ~ Part Two

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Requested by... Queensnowflakee

Or something like that XD

I feel so bad for the girl next to me

I have my music at full volume and I was literally just listening to Hollywood Undead

And if you don't know the band, they swear a lot

It's great

Anyways, next week will be valentines and after that it's breaking up

I have my priorities straight

Still don't know what the fuck I'm doing with Garroth tho


Anyways, enjoy!!

You'd only been on the road for a maybe two hours and during those two hours, it was quiet and peaceful.

Up until he started to message and call you.

It broke your heart to even have him do that, but he did this.

He did this to your relationship and he should suffer as much as you are. He didn't feel the pain of finding out. He doesn't know what it's like to be snapped in half.

He doesn't know what it's like to be broken.

You swipe your hair out of your face, gripping the steering wheel with white knuckles.

You really thought he loved you to the ends of the earth. That he wouldn't dare to do something like this. He wouldn't... he doesn't seem like the type of person to do it.

You loved him like every girlfriend should, you gave him space when he wanted it, you helped him through the emotional stages.

Maybe it was that you were too blind? Too blind to see that he was slowly slipping from your fingers and you weren't paying attention?

No, it's his fault. He shouldn't have done it. Even if he found it best. He chose the wrong -

Your phone dings again and you look over at it and sigh.

I want to throw that phone out the window.

You reach over and grab it, being careful to keep your eyes on the road and scrolling through the messages.

Just desperate attempts to get your attention. Him trying to apologize.

But why would you take him back? You're suppose to leave them in the dust so they learn their lesson and they don't do it again.

You won't do it.

You put your phone in silent and place it face down on the seat, doing your best to ignore it.

He was going to get on your nerves if you didn't turn it off.

But it's hard to get over something like that. You can't just say you're done and be that be that. It's harder than that. It's not like the feelings are just going to disappear.

Sadly, it doesn't work like that.

That's when you realize you're crying, you wipe the tears from your face, the sadness washes over you again.

You decide you actually have to pull over and make some calls, arranging everything.

Finding the nearest parking lot, you swing the car door open and let the cool spring air wash over you.

You grab your phone and then turn back to the door, leaning forward and pressing your mothers contact name.

You press the call button and then press it to your ear.

" Hello?" You ask, your voice wavering.

You didn't realize you were crying that badly, you just thought it was a few tears and that was it, but you were wrong, it was more than a few tears, especially if it had you choking on your sobs.

" (Y/n)? Why're you crying? What's wrong?" Your mom asks, frantic.

She's always worried about you, she's your mother of course but she tends to treat things out of hand more then she should.

" Mom... it's -..." You don't know how to explain.

" Is it Zane? What's happened?" She asks.

" He cheated on me." You cry, putting your face in your hands.

" Aw, sweetheart." She says softly " Are you coming home?"

" Do you think I should?" You ask.

" It might be for the best." She says.

" But - I haven't even told him this but..."

You're pregnant. That's what and you didn't think to mention it to him. You didn't think to tell him such a thing.

But why would you? Why would you tell him? To guilt trip him into the relationship again?

Why would you bother?

" Oh sweetheart." She says, you can tell she's stumped and doesn't know what to say.

" Mom, what do I do?" You ask.

" You can stay with your aunt, you know we can't have a baby in the house right now, your aunt will take good care of you."

" Okay mom, I'll go to (Aunts name)s' house." You say.

" Tell me when you get there honey, we can talk to rest out." She says.

You hum in response and she ends the call. You turn back to the steering wheel, closing the car door and throwing your phone on the passenger seat.

Alright, this shouldn't take long.


I have a headache and I'm listening to Thousand Foot Krutch right now


I hope you enjoyed




I hope you enjoyed and have a great day and until next time ~ Quinn

Zane x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant