Perhaps, even Luo Yao Yao herself does not know whatever she did today actually alike playing 'Pig eating tiger' this scheming!

Inside VIP Banquet Hall

"CEO Yu, congratulation, thinking carefully until today you have acquisition Berson Group for 2 years, you have obtained great achievement, your future is limitless ah!"

"That's right, during that time when you just acquisition Berson group, you had said to expand Berson Group as first rank group in China within two years, there were many business men thought you were boasting, but now? You have done it, even we as the seniors are really admiring you."

"Haha, all just because Chairman Fang, Chairman Yang, all of you the seniors are taking care so that I have today achievement."
"Aiya, CEO Yu, you are really humble. You are too flattering us these old things."

Since Yao Yao is standing beside of Yu Ao Tian, she not even saying any word when the old senior chairmen are congratulated him, she is standing there quietly listening.

She always thought, Yu Ao Tian is someone bossy no matter who he is facing with, very arrogant and at same time cold man, but today this is her first time to see Yu Ao Tian's side as businessman.

Facing with those old seniors, Yu Ao Tian does not show his aloof but humble, it is noble humble aura.

It can be said that due to the today Yu Ao Tian, reaching to this position, he really can ignore everything, but he is understanding the word 'Attitude is determining everything', so that he is cherishing more those seniors, cherish their experiences.

No wonder Yu Ao Tian can be so successful, able to make Berson group to be strong and expanding it within 2 years. He really not looked alike man in his twenties because of success and then losing himself, that kind of youngster, he also unlike those men who were poor before to rich and forgetting his upstart, furthermore, there nothing can be seen in him, his unruly and disdained attitudes.

He gives the feeling, as if he is born from wealthy family, who has aristocratic lineage, even he is wealthy, and his status does not give the arrogant feeling. His attitudes are such unwavering.


Yu Ao Tian background isn't alike what the rumours spreading, an ordinary scoundrel? After all, few days ago Vice CEO Han would not say his other 'real status' this matter.

No matter what, this evening banquet, it lets Yao Yao to see another charming Yu Ao Tian's side, moreover it let one's heart to thump, no wonder lot of women tempting by him. Someone low-key and also have inner beauty how could one's not be fascinated by him?

"CEO Yu." This time, one of middle age man who about fifty something is coming near.

"Chairman Li."

"Hahaha, today the annual meeting is so successful, congratulation to you."

"Don't be so courtesy, Chairman Li."

That fifty something middle age man is smiling awkwardly, while his eyes are looking at Yao Yao from time to time: "Actually I always want to find a time to have talked with you, regarding your matter with Li Mei Yun. I just found out not long ago you and Li Mei Yun had broken up, about the reason she didn't tell me. But now it seems..."

Mei Yun? So this old man is Li Mei Yun's father?

Perhaps feeling guilty because of doing wrong or perhaps because too awkward, Yao Yao is nervously gulped her saliva: "That, CEO Yu, I feel not really well, I want to take my leave to go to toilet." After said, she didn't wait for Yu Ao Tian answer. Pulling Gong Xiao Man dashing to the toilet, "Hu..."

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