CHAP 1:The disaster

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Long time ago a disaster full of explosion and destruction took place. Everyone ran for their lives and lost hopes for their survival. Many sacrificed their lives despite the fact that they had to save their families and kingdom.

This day the Queen had a baby boy the King was happy and worried about his kingdom as well. He tried to evacuate all the people and bring them to a safe place. the attacker was unknown but his intention was to steal the kings heir and blood who was born.

The king got caught up in his kingdom and the poor queen was left with his son. It wasn't a while later when a person came and snatched her son from her. Leaving the kingdom rapidly. The queen and king lost hope that they would ever find their dear child. They had to face the bitter fact that their son must be dead.

Suddenly a man approached them and he bravely said,"I know where your son is". The king was puzzled at the fact that the unknown stranger is a warrior maybe of the enemies army? The king refused the unknown strangers request to follow him.

"What if he must be telling the truth?" exclaimed the queen,"oh Alex!I want our son back no matter what it takes". Alex fell in tears ,"You are right that is why I will go myself to find our beloved son!"he smiled. Alex took the decision to sneak out on his own at the time of the starry nights.

His decision was quite strong and he would not change it no matter what."You don t know the way,sire!" demanded the stranger ,"I shall offer my services to you for i am a loyal warrior and I shall help you save your son!"."What is it that you demand for helping me" asked Alex."Your land" he said."My kingdom is finished but i shall grant you land after i have built my new kingdom!"the king said. Then they left off and went to a kingdom,"Wait this is my brother's kingdom who betrayed my father in the love of a princess!" exclaimed Alex," He and I promised never to see each others face from then..but why would he do this!".

As they sat down and waited for it to be night, Alex told a story," Your just like my faithful knight Jonas!Ah! What a man was he..but he died and left his family for a disaster..I miss him so much!" exclaimed Alex. "He was my dad.."said the stranger,"my name is Justin Wakefield son of Jonas wakefield.."."What?" asked Alex amazed.

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