Chapter 11-Every end is a new beginning (part 5)

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As Alex was approaching the school,she saw a shadow waiting for her.

-I knew you'd figure it out,Brandon said to her.

-<<Meet me where everything started.>>.It wasn't that difficult,she answered.

He smiled.

-Let's go.

After they walked for a while in the backyard,he suddenly stopped.

-What's going on?,she asked him.

-Hold on tight,he said to her and wrapped her hands around him.Her heart was beating like crazy.

They climbed up a tree and from there to the school's roof.They could see the thousands of lights of the town that were sparkling like fireflies.

-Look,he said and showed her the sky which was filled with countless stars.-That's the Ursa Major.

-So beautiful...,she said enchanted.

-When I was little,my mom used to say to me that each star is a lost love.When you look at them,you remember everyone you miss and it's as if they're next to you.It's one of the few things I remember from her,he continued.

Alex got worried.

-Why are your eyes filled with sadness?,she asked him.

-Every time I think I'm gonna lose you,I want to tear my heart out.

-Why lose me?

-You'll never have a normal life with me.

-And who told you that that's what I want?,she answered angrily.

-Perhaps not now,but someday...,he said and turned his gaze elsewhere.

-Look at me.Being normal is the most boring thing in the world.Before I met you,I would give anything to be normal.To fit in.But then,I would never have the chance to meet you...and love you,she said to him.Brandon looked her deep in the eyes and made her shiver.She had never felt like that in her life.-And that's the best thing that has happened to me,she continued.-I'm glad that we are who we are.And if it is to call us monsters,I'm glad that a monster like me fell in love with a monster like you.

-But you should be afraid of me...why you're still here?

-Be afraid of you?I see myself in your eyes.I could ask you the same thing about me.As to why I'm here,you know it very well and there is no need to tell you.

-Are you afraid of me?

-Not at all.


They both smiled and hand in hand they kissed under the light of the stars.

They had no idea of what they had to deal with.The only thing they knew was that a new world had been opened in front of them.Dangerous or not,they were gonna have to explore it together having each other's back.

A woman hidden in the shadows was watching them.Her rage was overflowing like a torrent.

-Enjoy it while you can,she whispered and her eyes glared in the darkness from hatred as she left.

For now,the love of the two young ones had defeated her...and nothing could ruin their happiness.For now.


Thank you so much for reading my story and I hope that you have enjoyed it as much as I did writing it!!!It has been quite a journey but this is definitely not the end!!!

*Starlit 2 is on the wayyyy :D*


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