Chapter 3-The first lightning (part 4)

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The next morning,Αlex woke up more lighthearted and stressed than ever,at the same time.It was like a brand new air was breathing into her life that was making her feel both trapped and free.She dressed quickly and went downstairs on time,which was a pleasant surprise for Lana, who usually begged her to wake up.

-Good morning,she said in a good mood.

-Good morning grandma!,she said sort of surpised,because she didn't expect her grandmother to be awake so soon.

-Is everything alright?,Lana asked while she was already chopping some vegetables on the kitchen counter.

-Everything is fine,she answered,trying to believe it herself.

-I know it's too soon,but have you met the werewolf yet?,she asked.

She really wanted to know and her granddaughter's silence wasn't a good sign.

-Yes,I think I did...,she answered enigmatically after a while and tried to leave,but Lana wouldn't let it go just like that,and she knew it.

-And...?,she stopped her.She was waving the knife back and forth nervously.

-Absolutely nothing happened,Alex said supposedly indifferent.

But Lana sensed her guilt.

-Nothing...I see.Go,you'll be late,she said continuing to slice a pepper in small pieces.

She knew that this discussion would lead to nowhere.And Alex,of course,went on her way relieved.

<<Imagine if I hadn't told her to stay away from him!>>,Lana thought.She knew her granddaughter like the palm of her hand.She didn't need her gift to understand that she had feelings for him.She could figure it out just by the look in her eyes.But that quickly?They've just met.Who is it even possible?Werewolves are not very famous for their composure.A word,a fight,an was enough to lose control.And of course Joseph wouldn't be so happy about it...or better yet,he would be furious,to say the least.She was so absorbed she hadn't even noticed she cut her finger a bit.The minute she realised,she grabbed a towel to stop the bleeding.

At the same time,Alex was walking in front of his house,with a secret hope to see him again.She knew she would see him soon,but felt a little disappointed when she saw the door completely closed.Just a few glances in secret weren't enough for her.How can you feel so many things for someone you know for so little and is highly possible to be your "enemy"?The situation wasn't easy at all.Should she stay away from him or not?Did he really pose a threat like her grandma believe?

She went inside the school looking for Sam,once again.As she was walking,enjoying the rare quiet that existed,which would be history in a while by the hundreds of voices, when she saw Brandon looking devoted a flyer at the notice board.They were alone,and the bell wasn't going to ring for several minutes.Her pace stopped abruptly and she felt her breathing fail.She wanted more than anything to pass him by like nothing had happened,but it seemed impossible.He drew her like magnet.Her body and soul could not obey  stood beside him and remembered Sam's words.<<Talk to him>>.She was hearing them again and again in her head,but on the other hand she could hear her own voice promising to Lana she would stay from him.However,just like every young person,Alex decided to listen to her heart.She grabbed every inch of courage she owned and talked to him.

-Good morning,she told him with her sweetest smile.

And then she felt her intire body numd.She was very much aware she was shy,but thought that this was getting ridiculous.

-Good morning,he answered surpised.

The whole night she was stuck in his head and now she was standing in front of him.He couldn't hide his joy and a huge smile was spread on his face.The exitement she saw in his eyes,made Alex feel more comfortable,but at the same time,like there were butterflies in her stomach.

-I've never heard you play,but I think you should go to that audition.You have nothing to lose, she said,as she had seen him looking at an ad at the board about a band that was looking for new members.

-I'd like to but,unfortunately,I can't,he answered lowering his gaze.

He really wanted to give it a try but he knew that his father would never let him get involved with something so <<childish>>,as he used to call his son's love for music,which would have as a result to <<neglect his duties and his destiny,which is clearly far more important than scratching the strings of a guitar.>>.These thoughts made him melancholic.Alex understood that her comment upset him and felt so bad.She wanted to hug him and tell him that everything is going to be fine,but quickly got scared and settled to changing the subject.

-So...since when do you play guitar?,she answered in a cheerful tone to "unlock" happier thoughts from his mind.

-Since I was a kid!At first,I wanted to be a drummer...I remember driving my father crazy, knocking my toys to his office...he'd become so mad!,Brandon answered.The happy memories made him smile again,and forget everything that happened then and all the pressure he was under now.

-Well...I,on the other hand,am not good,at all.In fact,I should be accused for noise pollution at every attempt of mine to sing!...Or play an instument!,she joked.

They were laughing and without realising they reached to the end of the stairs at the second floor and walked to the corridor that was leading to their class.Without knowing,they both thought of the same thing.To be alone,not be disturbed.But mostly,not be seen together by anyone.Perhaps because deep inside they had guilts for feeling so good with each other's company.But is this enough?All these strong feelings and on the other side,suspicions.A thousand thoughts for what they were able to do for their families.Is he\she truly what he/she shows?That was the strongest question that tortured both.To have suspicions is worse than knowing the truth,no matter how harsh it can be,because it eats you up alive.Some would compare them with fear.It's like you're in a dark room and you feel there's a monster close to you.You either wait in the dark for the attack or you turn the lights up and fight.You have no choice.

However,they weren't the ones to blame for these thoughts.Others were trying to seed hatred to their hearts.The same hatred that led them to nowhere all these years.Don't fool yourselves, though.There's an antidote for that curse,which is stronger that every drop of that poison.And it's called love.She bursts like a sunlight and breaks every wall,fills everything with her light.The only thing you must do,is let her.Do not imprison her,do not be scared of her.

~To be continued~

The last part of the third chapter is on the way!!As always,thank you so much for reading my story!!Have a wonderful day!! <3

Starlit:A whole new worldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें