Chapter 9-Labyrinth (part 1)

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2 days before the attack

The next day,the sun rose between the mountains and brightened up the tree tops with its sunlights.Αlex had woken up and sitting at her chair she was brushing her long brown hair.She was looking at herself in the mirror and got lost in her thoughts.She heard a knock on the door and then she saw Brandon getting in and smiling at her.

-Good morning,he told her in a good mood.

-Good morning.How did you sleep?

-The bed in the guest room is very comfortable.I've always prefered sleeping on rocks,he complained and streched while holding his waist.

-You're lucky that Lana doesn't lock you in every night,she answered and hugged him.-We're very hospitable people.You should have realised that till now,she joked.

-Indeed your hospitality will remain unforgettable to me.

-We don't have much time...We must find a way to stop them.Or at least delay them until we think of something else,she said to him.

-I know,but they won't listen to anyone!

-Then we must force them to listen,she answered.

-Alex,are you sure that his wife didn't kill my uncle?,Brandon asked her.

-There must be a way to find out!,Alex said and her gaze fell upon the books on the desk.

-But how? It's not like we can't go back in time.

-Go back in time...?,she murmured.-But of course!We must go back where everything started!, she exclaimed excited.-Why didn't I think of this all this time?

-What are you saying?,he asked confused.

-Witches know  secrets that no other tribe is aware of!,she tried to explain.

-From what I've figured out,you have something on your mind,don't you?,he told her.She nodded.-You must not tell me anything,ok?,he preempt her.


-Since I'm away from the pack I can't hear their thoughts,but Leonard might try to hear mine.

-The could I forget?,Alex answered ironically.

-Exactly.For the first time there is silence in my head.

-Fine then.I'll go to Lana and talk to her,she said and after a while she went downstairs and found her at the garden scolding Scar.

-If I catch you digging into my flowers again you're gonna be in big trouble mister!,she shouted at him.He barked once as if he knew and then left.

-Grandma,I have to talk to you,Alex said.

-What is it?You seem very upset.

-We must go to Elsa.

-Elsa?,her grandma asked surprised.-What do you want her?

-I need the Book.

-Shhh!Talk quiter!Do you forget that we have a werewolf in our house?

-Brandon is upstairs and we don't have time for waste.

-Why do you need the Book?,she insisted.

-Let's go inside and I'll explain to you,Alex said to her softly and the two women went in.She led Lana to the living room.

-So?,Lana asked.

-There is a spell that can take you back in time,right?,he granddaughter said.That made her even more worried.

-Yes...there is...but why do you want to use it?

-I have to find out what happened in Jasmine's trial!,she explained.

-What?Are you out of your mind?,Lana yelled.

-Stop yelling!There is something you must know first!

-And what is that?

-The werewolves want to attack us the day of the meeting in the forest.

-The celeblation of the Moon...when did you find out?


-I must admit that Leonard is smart.All of us wizards and witches that will be there we'll be wearing our pendants.It will be very easy for them to track us down.

-Yes I know that very well,Alex said who immediately remembered the day she wore her pendant at school and would become the reason for an avalanche of events.-But what makes them so certain that they will defeat us?I mean,the strongest wizards and witches will be there,along with many there something I don't know?

-Until all the pendants unite their powers,we will be...weak.If they're well-organised and attack at the right moment,the moment we all leave the pendants on the rock,we don't have much hope,she explained.

-And Leonard of course knows that...

-It's his obligation to know.Remember what I told you?It's the exchange of powers.

-Yes I remember.When the full moon aproaches we become weaker and they become stronger... but I can't understand...the next full moon is still far away.

-That's what I wanted to tell you.It doesn't happen just then.It happens once the celebration of the Moon.It's a great night for every magical creature.


-I must warn Joseph.

-No.Not until I find out what happened,she pleaded.

-What do you expect to discover there?

-I don't know...but something tells me that from this trial we'll learn more than we think,she confided to her.

That intense premonition wasn't letting her since the day her uncle talked to her about the trial-trap that led to her wife's death.

-Will we go?,she asked again her grandmother.

-Are you certain?


-Then we'll go when the sun sets.It will be safer then,Lana answered her.-Alex,there is something more,she started saying.


-Brandon can't stay here anymore.He is in danger.

-I understand...,Alex answered coldly.

Her grandma saw the frustration she was trying to hide.

-No,you don't understand at all.You have no idea what they will do to him if they discover that he is on our side.

-I thought they already knew that.

-No sweety.Leonard would never tolerate to be known that his son is in love with a witch,let alone the niece of Joseph.I'm sure that very few people know.

-Ok,I'll talk to him,she said unwillingly and left.

As soon as she went up to her room,she found him waiting for her.She didn't know how to tell him that he couldn't stay to her house anymore.She couldn't find the words.Her mind was blocked and confusing her thoughts.

~To be continued~

Thank you so much for reading! <3

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