Chapter 9-Labyrinth (part 4)

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-Something troubles you,doesn't it?,her grandma asked her.

Anxiousness had overruled her.A panic she had never felt before.Leader.Queen.Majesty.She didn't feel any of these titles representing her,though.She was more afraid of the loneliness that came with them.

-I don't want her to think of me as her superior,Alex answered her.

-Loyalty is more important even than respect.Because respect can come from fear,while loyalty only from love.And Lindia is loyal to you because she loves you.She believes in you and she has placed all her hopes in your hands,Lana told her.

-What if I let her down?

-You're going to do your best so that doesn't happen.

-I wish...

Without saying anything else,they went up the stairs and walked in a corridor which led them to a huge office.

All five Immortals were discussing concerned.A huge fire place was dominating the room and the flames were warming the place up with their beautiful colours and the sparks jumping out like fireflies.Their dance was enchanting.

Eugene,our well-known vampire,one of the five Immortals,was staring at the fire with eyes empty as if hypnotised,but he was listening everything.

-There is no reason for that mockery!We know very well that she killed him!,yelled the Immortal from the tribe of the Werewolves.

-Calm down Victor.An open trial is the best way to show that we are just,said Amanda from the tribe of the Fairies.

-And to give a lesson,Eugene added with a calm voice.

-And to whom exactly you wish to give that lesson,my dear Eugene?,Nathan from the tribe of the Wizards asked ironically.

-The leaders of the five tribes are our proteges.We can't just leave that like that,Jack answered him,from the tribe of the ingenious Dwarves.

-I agree,but we won't succeed our aim by punishing the wrong person,Nathan answered.

-How can you still believe that?There's a witness who saw her killing Philip!,Jack said.

-Oh please!That person hasn't spoken the truth in his life!,he yelled.

-That I believe too,Amanda agreed.

-The dagger was found in her house!,Victor yelled.

-In the meantime,the two men we sent to search their place died in our hands and the dagger is lost,Jack said.

The three women were listening dumbfounded.

-It was found in our house?How is that possible?,Lindia mumbled.

-That is our most serious problem that should bother us right now,my friends,Eugene said.-And let's not forget that this dagger is not common.It has the power to kill us.

-It's bound with ancient magic.Very powerful,even for us,Amanda added.

-We must find it immediately,Jack agreed.

-And until then,what?,Nathan asked.

-Sometimes we must allow time to unravel its plans,Eugene answered enigmatially.

-And what about Jasmine?,Nathan asked again.

-If she is indeed innocent,then she must be sacrificed for the good of world.

-Sacrificed?And to what good can it be a sacrifice such this?

-There is no better way to steel your power than punish those who threaten it.We don't know the plans of the person who holds the dagger.This will make him or her think twice before posing a threat to us,Eugene answered indifferently,without knowing how wrong he was at that point.

Because the person who held the dagger had huge patience for the fulfillment of a purpose.And that didn't include the Immortals.Yet.

-Are you telling me that we're just going to kill her?,Nathan said frustrated.He just couldn't take it in.

-Do not let your emotions affect you.We're talking about our survivsl here,understand that.

-Do not play with words.Or you don't even dare to say the words that you want an innocent woman to die leaving a baby behind?he attacked him.

-Watch your words!,Eugene yelled at him.There was silence in the room.-Learn your place at last!

-Jentlemen,calm down!,Amanda tried to calm the spirits.

-It's alright Amanda.Let him show us who he truly is...but keep in mind that I don't have any responsibility for what it's going to happen next,Nathan warned.

Eugene decided not to continue this rivarly.

-There's no point...,he sighed.-Besides,we'll vote and that's how we'll make our decision,he said irritated.

-You despicable being!,Alex yelled.

-Be quiet!,Lana scolded her.

-Don't tell me to be quiet!,she answered her outraged.-They burned her for a crime they're not even sure she commited!Don't tell me to be quiet!

Nathan,as if hit by electricity,looked towards them,stood up from his armchair and walked to the three women.

Alex shivered when he stood in front of her and looked her deep in the eyes.She was almost not breathing.

-Can he see her?,Lindia said with a stifled voice and froze like a statue.

-It's impossible...,Lana said.

-Somebody pinch me...,Lindia added.

Nathan then smiled satisfied,as if he had just won an important battle.

-Are you sure that the dagger belongs to Baltazaar?,he asked and looked back.

-Lower your voice,Eugene answered him.-There is no doubt.The men saw the heraldry in the hilt, added.

-He is the key...,Nathan whispered to her and returned to his seat like nothing had happened.

-Did you hear that?,Alex asked surprised.

-Hear what?,Lana asked her.

-I'm gonna lose my mind...

~To be continued!~

Have a lovely day <3

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