Chapter 1-The trial (part 2)

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-What?,she said surprised and felt a numbness over her entire body.A knot in her throat wouldn't let her voice come out clearly.

-How dare you?,her husband Joseph shouted and immediately stood up from his seat furious.

-I'm telling the truth!,Williams answered him.

Matt Williams was half human-half elf.Even though they couldn't trust him completely,he was the only witness,and the person who was responsible for the crime had to be punished so that nothing like such as this would ever happen again.

-I didn't do it,she said with all the courage she had left.

-Where were you that night?,Eugene asked her.

-It's true,I was in town.I was informed that the Werewolves were on our side of the town again,so I gathered a few wizards and went to search for Philip.Things got out of control so I told everyone to leave so I could speak to him alone.I warned him that we would not allow them to break the laws again by hunting on our territory.Then I left.

What she feared the most was tomorrow,and everything that awaited her.

After a few minutes all her fears were about to reflect infront of her like a mirror that had been broken to a thousand pieces.Everything she said,everything she did,would turn against her.

-She is lying!She killed him!,Williams,who found his courage as the minutes went by,yelled.

The audacity of the liar.

-You can't believe him Nathan!,Joseph said to Nathan,the Immortal from the tribe of the Wizards.

-I'm sorry,but everything is against her right now,he answered.

-But you know me all these years...,Jasmine said with a weak voice.

-I think it is time to make our decision,Eugene said.

As they were leaving,Nathan approached Joseph and whispered to him that he would find a way to prove her innocense.The Immortals withdrew from the room to discuss.

People started yelling. The room had been divided in two.Some were certain of her guilt and others just couldn't believe it...and Jasmine was in the middle,helpless to do anything.It was like she wasn't her.Like she wasn't the one living all that.

-You won't get away with this!You will pay!All of you!,Leonard shouted.

He was Philips brother.

After a long time they decided for her fate.

-Οur world is in danger.Those who threaten peace must be brought to justice.We have to follow the the killer will have to face the ultimate penalty of the stake.

With these words,Eugene sentenced Jasmine to death.You could hear a million voices speaking right now.Before he was even able to do something,the guards moved Joseph away from Jasmine as she was struggling,invain,to free herself from their hands.-No!,he said out of breath as he watched his wife being wrenched away.Her screams echoed like a buzz to his ears.Everything happened so fast...

The following days found Jasmine locked to her cell.She wasn't desperate.Not anymore.She kept thinking about her life.It's amazing how many details she dig out from the darkest corners of her mind.Things you don't notice when they happen.The pieces of the puzzle come together,but it's too late.

She was thinking she was still so much in love with her husband.How she adored her little daughter.The only thing she cared about was them.

When the daylight had gone completely,Joseph secretly entered the dungeons.He had many enemies,but also lots of friends who helped him get inside so he could help his wife escape.When she saw him a spark of hope ignited inside her heart.But that spark quickly disappeared when she realised there was no way out.Her end had been written with indelible ink.

-My love!You shouldn't have come!It's dangerous!,she said to him.

-I would do anything to save you.Now,step back.I will destroy the locket.

-Wait!,she said and walked towards him.Where will we go?They will hunt us everywhere.They won't hesitate to hurt you and Lindia to catch me!

-They won't dare to hurt my daughter!I will never allow it!

-They will.We both know that.Listen to me,the worst is yet to come.You must be careful!

-What do you want me to do?Let them kill you?

-You think I don't want to see my daughter grow up,fall in love?That I don't want to spend the rest of my life with you?We don't have a choice...I...I don't have a choice...

-We must find some time!

-Whatever kind of evidence existed those who did it must have already made them disappear.

-No!No!No!It can't be!I can't go on without you!

His love warmed her heart.She touched his hands.That moment,their hearts were more united than ever,even though the bars separated them.

-You must!For Lindia..and for me!

That was the first time she saw her husband cry.He was strong...but now he was broken.

-What I need to know is that you believe in me...I didn't do it,she told him with a fear inside her heart for his answer that she wouldn't dare to confess even to herself.

-I believe you,he said immediately without leaving any room for doubts.

-Quickly!Guards!,said one of those who kept watch.

-Be patient...I'll get you out of here!,Joseph said and kissed her.

-Go,she said quietly with a heavy heart.

As if he felt something,he turned around and looked at her.That was the last time he saw his wife's smile.

As the dawn approached,Joseph had stayed awake trying to find a solution.A very loud knock on the door got him out of his thoughts.It was a guard that owed him a favor and ran to tell him the terrible news. 

-It's happening now!They're taking her to the forest!,he said breathing heavily.

-What?So quickly?

-They know you were at the dungeons!Eugene ordered them to do it now!You don't have time!

They didn't say anything else.Joseph run as fast as he could,half-dizzy and with his heart filled with agony.The few minutes that separated the town from the forest seemed like ages to him. When he finally got there,he saw a number of people gathered and Jasmine tied up to a tree.

-It's now or never,he thought but his spells didn't work.An invisible wall protected them.

How weak despair makes you...even his powers were unable to help him.He knew he was screaming but he couldn't hear his voice.The only thing he could hear was his breath.

-Enough!Let's get this over with!,Nathan said fed up and knock Joseph down with a spell so he didn't have to see all that.

Between the flames you could see her beauty fade.The last thing she whispered was his name and let a tear fall.She never imagined her life ending this way.

When he came around,he saw nothing else but ashes.His world...ashes.That night all the creatures of the forest stayed awake by his screams.That night the moon didn't appear to the endless sky.

End of Chapter 1!!

~To be continued~

Thank you so much for reading  <3

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