Chapter 8-And they almost lived happily ever after (part 2)

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The next morning,Lana returned to the house and thought that it was time to wake her granddaughter up. She opened the door and when she looked inside she couldn't believe her eyes.She looked closer to be certain. The view made her boggle.Alex and Brandon were sleeping inside each others hug.

They had been talking for hours,for any kind of subject you could imagine,and fell asleep tired late at night without knowing.

She saw them both so peaceful that it made her smile and decided to let them sleep a little longer.She closed the curtains as silently she could and closed the door behind her.

She thought that her daughter too used to sneak Alex's father inside the house when they first met.She was around the same age so it was impossible for Lana not to feel a little numd in the thought that her granddaughter had grown so much.

After some time,Brandon woke up first.He covered Alex with the duvet and gave her a kiss on the cheek.She couldn't handle it and smiled.

-Open your eyes,he said to her.

- I don't want to,she refused.


-Because I'm afraid I'm dreaming and when I wake up you won't be here anymore,she confessed.

-Then we're on the same dream,he answered.

Alex smiled again and opened her big brown eyes.

-There you go,Brandon said.-I've  missed those eyes,he continued and sighed.

-What's the matter?

-I don't want to go back there,he said, meaning the mansion.

After a long time,he was feeling calm and happy again.

-You don't have to.You can stay here until things calm down.

-And your grandma?

-I'm sure she will understand,she appeased him,secretly hoping inside that she was right.

Alex went downstairs and found Lana preparing breakfast in the kitchen. She seemed a little irritated by the way she was talking to the phone.Alex felt the cold sweat run through her.

-Good morning,she said like there was nothing going on. 

-It depends,her grandma answered and kept preparing.

-From what?,she asked anxious and Lana looked at her gruffly with a strict gaze.

-Please tell our unexpected guest to come downstairs to eat something. There is no point in keeping him hidden....,she answered and Alex smiled happily and gave her a kiss.

She went upstairs and found him waiting in her room patiently.

-What happened?,he asked.

-Nothing that surprises me...

-So...she knows I'm here?

-Did you expect anything less from Lana Blake?

After a while they went down together.

-Good morning mrs Blake...,he said hesitantly.

-I assume that this is the way you chose to keep your promise to stay away from my granddaughter?,Lana said to him.

-What did you promise exactly?,Alex asked.-When did you two talk?

Brandon smiled.

-It's nothing.I just had a conversation with your grandmother after she tried to kill me...,he answered calmly.

-Did you say she tried to kill you?,she repeated angrily,not being able to understand when all that happened and looked at Lana.

-And I'm still debating on my decision,  her grandma said.

-What I know is that deep inside you like me,Brandon tried to flatter her.

-Really deep.Think like abyss...Eat now,she answered sharply and put a plate in front of him with warm puncakes.The smile she threw at him after melt the ice.

They sat on the table and Lana was observing the two young ones while they were eating.They were doing the same moves.Almost rhythmically. Then,a story jumped from a corner of her mind.A story she used to hear since she was little and was so old that it became a myth in the lips of the people of magic.

-Incredible,she murmured and shook her head.

-What?,her granddaughter,who heard her,asked. two are so different and so...alike at the same time,she told them.

They looked at each other and smiled.

-Nevertheless,it's not that strange... witches and werewolves are creatures effected by the moon.That connects us in a way.The only difference is that when the full moon approaches we become weaker and you stronger. Let's say we "give" a part of our strength to you.

They looked at each other again.They remembered the first day they met. Now it was clear to Alex why she felt so weak.It was the first time she came in touch with a werewolf and the magic that is running in her blood had been "awaken".

-That explains a lot,Brandon said.

-And I thought that it was your irresistible charm to blame...,Alex teased him.

-Clearly,he joked.

-That's happening for many many years now because of a strange union of the two tribes centuries ago,Lana said.

-The legend of the Lost Souls!,Alex rememdered.

-Exactly,she confirmed.

~To be continued~

Thank you for reading my story and I hope you have enjoyed it so far.If you did don't forget to vote and comment :) <3

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