Chapter 6-Everything brought to light (part 4)

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A few minutes later,they were walking next to the forest which was beset with snowflakes the last night's blizzard had left behind.Alex hadn't realised a thing.She didn't even notice the mountain,which is right across her window,whose top was all white,as if it had come out of a painting.Only when they opened the front door and the cold wind hit her,she saw that everything was covered with snow.

The snow looked like a light tulle.She was walking and feeling it break under the soles of her shoes.They were leaving a trail behind them which was followed by a playful rabbit,but a strange noise scared it and left running.The smell of the pines was so nice.Alex decided to relax a little and let herself lost inside her thoughts.

-I can't wait for spring,Lindia complained and zipped her coat.-The flowers,the colours,the sun.Everything is so beautiful,she continued and left a small sigh slip.

Alex smiled.


-When you talk I feel like I'm listening to Lana,Alex answered.-I just wish you were closer.

-But we are.We talk almost every day and she comes to see me οften.

That revelation really confused Alex.

-But how?Why didn't she say anything?Why would she keep it secret?,she said after a while.

Why would her grandmother hide something like that all these years?It was impossible not to think that everything could be so different between them.She didn't know any other relatives and it was obvious her cousin needed her.They could've supported each other through difficult times.She had Sam to listen to her stupid insecurities,her dreams,her fears,her childish crushes that only remained in her head,but what about Lindia?

-Listen to me.You must understand Lana.You have no idea how many times she argued with Joseph about whether they should tell you that you're a witch or not.She was afraid to tell you,she wanted you to have a normal life for as long as that was possible,Lindia explained.

-I know that she did it for my own good.I just don't want to stay in the dark anymore.Enough, she answered.

-I get that,she said while they kept on walking.-Alex...grandma told me about Brandon...,she continued hesitantly,

-So you know we go...,Alex answered,waiting to hear another monologue for what a big mistake she was making.

-No,you misunderstood.I'm with you guys,Lindia said right away.Alex felt great relief.-Joseph on the other hand...he's been acting strange lately.He's up to something.

-What do you mean?,she asked her.Her words filled her with worry.

-I'm not sure.One day I heard him talking about a plan...a desicion,her cousin answered trying to remember what she heard.

-Perhaps he was talking about the attack to the werewolves.

-No...,that's different.He hasn't made up his mind,though.Otherwise I would have seen it happening.

Lindia's gift was seeing fragments from the future,but nothing was certain.Everything can change.Just like people and their decisions can change,future can alter too.Reverse.

-Please,try to find out.I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me...especially Brandon,her cousin pleaded.Even the thought of it was driving her crazy.

-You really do love him,don't you?,Lindia noticed.

Alex couldn't stop staring at the trees of the forest.

The shadow that was stalking them all this time did a few steps forward.He was well hidden,but now wanted to hear her answer clearly.

-More than some people would consider sane,she answered.

Lindia smiled.Suddenly,she heard a strange noise that seemed like footsteps,as if someone or something was running,so she stopped walking.She turned her head and saw an animal's figure disappearing in between the trees.

-Did you see that?,she asked scared.

-No,I didn't see anything,Alex said questioning.

-Weird...Last night I saw a shadow running in the woods and thought it was a coincidence,but now this...We better go inside,Lindia suggested.

She knew that in their world nothing was just a coincidence,so she had learned to watch out double. Especially now that her father wasn't there and they were alone in the house.Alex wasn't like that.She wasn't afraid of anything and that made her reckless.Even strength has its disadvantages.

The days were passing and a week later the two girls had come even closer.Lana came to visit them.After she complained about how empty the house was now that she was alone,she relayed Sam's not so kind words who,as she said,was left all alone and had to deal with their history teacher who kept asking where her favourite student was,and was getting on her nerves.

Lana was so happy she got to spend some time with both her grandaughters finally together and that they were getting along so well.Stories,photographs,laughter...all the bad feelings seemed to have disappeared,to be far away.Unfortunatelly,nothing had trully disappeared and nothing was far way.Everything was infront of them,waiting for their weakest moment to haunt them all three.

Later at the same night,many hours had passed since Alex couldn't sleep.She pulled the curtain lightly and half-hidden she was looking outside the big window.Between the darkness,the scanty light of the moon and the shadows of the trees,she saw a shadow moving.Her breathing blurred the glass so she wiped it up rushingly with her sleeve.

  <<Last night I saw a shadow running in the woods and thought it was a coincidence,but now this...>>.Her cousin's words crossed her mind like a thunder.

<<Υοu won't get away this time,whoever you are.>>, she thought and got out of the house very carefully,so she wouldn't wake up Joseph or Lindia.

She was walking into the woods with caution.The moon was hidden now behind the clouds.The smallest sound,the smallest whistle of the wind,made her heart beat faster.All of a sudden,she realised that something was following her.She stopped and turned around slowly to see.It was a huge black wolf.It's shinny black fur hardly stood out and it's eyes shined in the darkness.The only thing she managed to notice was that they were green.It's paws softly touched the ground with the very little snow that was left.She was feeling the cold sweat all over her body and regretted for her rekclessness.She was ready to run.The wolf did a step back.A powerful glow blinded her.As soon as she opened her eyes and managed to see,she stood still from the shock.Her blood was boiling by rage.

~To be continued~

I'm so sorry for the delay!!I hope you enjoyed part 4 of Chapter 6!!Thank you so much for reading <3 

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