Chapter 4-Tangled in the web (part 3)

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The rest of the day passed calmly.Nevertheless,Alex was feeling a threat approaching.A strange feeling of danger that just wasn't letting her appease.

That beautiful Saturday morning,Alex woke up with a sunlight fallling on her eyes.The freshness of her youth made her mind travel far away.To other eras when wondering bards used to praise  love and bravery with their songs,traveling from town to town,from village to village.How free they must've been feeling.After a while,she pulled herself together and realised her romanticism had hit her straight to the head,and smiled.Lana had woken her up since dawn.She seemed very happy,but Alex didn't manage to get one word about where they were going.After she managed to win a few more minutes in her warm bed,she decided to get up and get ready.She dressed quickly and went downstairs.There,her grandma was waiting for her,all ready.But,as soon as she saw Alex wearing her favourite pair of jeans,she got serious.

-Oh,no!I refuse to take you with me if you're dressed like a soldier off duty!,she grumbled and pushed her up the stairs to go back to her room.-I've prepared for you what to wear.It's on your chair.And don't be late,she added,determined not to succumb to her granddaughter's objections.

-But it's a dress!,Alex compained.She never felt comfortable with these.

-A very beautiful dress,that I am sure suits you very well,she answered immediately.

Alex sighed and went up the stairs grudgingly.She walked inside the room and closed the door behind her.She looked suspiciously at the dress that was hanging on the chair next to her office. A wonderful dress in a warm yellow colour and a cardigan in the colour of sugar.She changed clothes and before she left,she took a final look in the mirror.She was feeling...strange.She was never used to seeing herself like this.She never bothered much with it,either.She let her long hair loose,allowing them to fall free to her shoulders.She took a deep breath,got out of the room and went downstairs.

-That's better...much better,Lana said impressed with a big smile.-The most beautiful flower of all,she continued moved and caressed Alex's hair.She was a beautiful woman now.

-Shall we go?,she asked nervously with a wide smile on her face.-I can't wait to see where we're going!,she said.She was slightly anxious and happy at the same time.

The two women left their house in a really good mood.They were laughing,joking and teasing each other,until the moment they reach to Brandon's house.Then suddenly,Alex stayed silent. Lana noticed it.

-What happened?You turned pale,she asked her.

-Nothing.Let's move on faster,she pleaded.

She kept bringing two images to her head.They were appearing in front of her like ghosts.The first was Brandon holding tenderly her hand and the second,the same man,threatening her and telling her to leave this town.Such different feelings,messing her up and not leaving her settle down.She was screaming inside at him and yelling "Who are you?",but he was looking at her with those eyes,not saying a word.As if he was disappointed in her.Like she should already know the answer deep inside her heart.But she didn't.

At the same time,Brandon,constantly locked inside his room,he was swirling like an animal in a cage.He was trying to restrain himself so that he wouldn't transform.The memory of disappointment in Alex's words only made the situation worse.It was making him feel what he prayed that he wasn't.A monster.Suddenly,his loyal friend,Scar,started barking and wagging its tail impatiently,while looking outside the window wall.He barked again louder to Brandon ,whimpering in between,so he could catch his attention.

-Scar...stop...what's the matter?,Brandon asked frustrated.The only thing he wanted was peace and quiet so he could think.

He walked to the window wall with heavy steps to see what had upseted Scar so much.The minute he looked outside his heart started beating uncontrollably.His eyes filled with hope.

-Alex!,he whispered.

His mind worked swiftly.He had to catch up and talk to her.All the rest were out of the house,so he wouldn't have to deal with their questions.He walked down the stairs quickly.By his hurry,he tripped and almost fell over.He opened the door,went outside and shouted her name.His voice penetrated her like an electroshock.For a few seconds she was so lost,she could only hear her breathing and the wind buzzing in her ears.An unearthly force was dragging them close,like magnet.He waited patiently a few meters away from her.The only thing she wanted was to turn around and see his face.

-Is that him?,Lana asked and looked at him with suspicion.

-Yes,Alex answered and turned her gaze elsewhere.

-I know I'll regret this,but you should at least give him a chance to talk to you.He seems desperate,she encouraged her.

Alex looked at her and Lana nodded positively.She walked fast towards him.She wanted to say so many things,but restricted herself to four words.

-What do you want?,she asked him coldly,avoiding his gaze.She was sure that if she looked at those wordy green eyes of his,she would forget everything.

-Trust me,I know what you're thinking,but I need you to understand that I could never hurt your family and especially you,he told her.

-How do you expect me to believe something like that after everything you've said?

-They made me...I had no choice,he tried to explain.But before he got to,she interupted him.

-Is this what you wanted to tell me?I have to go,she answered strictly and with great disbelief.

-Listen to me,Brandon said.He wasn't going to let her go so easily.-My father is forcing me.I can't tell you nothing more.

He hoped he could change her mind.Even if he had ruined everything between them,he couldn't bare to think she would look at him as an enemy,although he knew very well that that's what he was.It worth to try,even if he would lose.What he was feeling for that girl,for the first time,was too special to quit so easily.

-Why should I believe you?Give me one good reason,she asked him.This time,she looked deeply into his eyes.You'd say she was searching for a little bit of hope. 

-Because you feel it.From the first second we looked at each other.There is something special about us we can't ignore.Don't try to deny it.You feel like you know me better that anybody else. There are more things that unite us than separate us.Remember.Years ago,I told you I would protect you no matter what,he told her significantly.That last sentence shook her.She was certain she had heard these words again.

-What?,she said upset.

-You can't escape from what you feel,Brandon answered and approached her.

They were now closer than ever.He reached his hand to touch her,but Alex pulled herself away. Without saying a single word,she bowed her head and left.

<<It's over.>>,he thought,and his heart was filled with sorrow.

Quickly that sorrow turned into anger.He was angry at himself for allowing him to fall in love. Once again,what he loved,was leaving him.Just like that.What's the use in trying?First his mother,then Alex.He shut the door with all his power,that almost broke it.

-Out!,he shouted to Scar and started throwing everything he saw in front of him in his room.

After a while,when he managed to calm himself,a terrible pain made him kneel.His t-shirt had blood all over.He lifted it and saw that the wound in his ribs had opened.A scar-memento from the last hunt.Just like many .His body was full of them.He looked around as if he had woken up from a bad dream.Chaos.He crawled to his bed and curled up in a corner.The battle with yourself leaves wounds in your soul that sometimes heal harder than the wounds of the flesh.

~To be continued!~

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